tsallis distribution_tsallis熵

PhysicsLetters 747(2015) 190–192 Contents lists available ScienceDirectPhysics Letters www.elsevier.com/locate/physletbTsallis distributionfrom statistical clusters BialasM.M

Tsallis entropy of continuous distribution and its

Tsallis entropy of continuous distribution and its

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The Thermal Model and the Tsallis Distribution

The Thermal Model and the Tsallis Distribution

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uation for systems obeying Tsallis distribution -

uation for systems obeying Tsallis distribution -

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Using the Tsallis distribution and the fractional d

Using the Tsallis distribution and the fractional d

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A non self-referential expression of Tsallis' prob

A non self-referential expression of Tsallis' prob

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A non self-referential expression of Tsallis' prob

A non self-referential expression of Tsallis' prob

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Using the Tsallis distribution and the fractional d

Using the Tsallis distribution and the fractional d

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asma with ions featuring the Tsallis distribution

asma with ions featuring the Tsallis distribution

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ith electrons featuring the Tsallis distribution - S

ith electrons featuring the Tsallis distribution - S

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th nonthermal ions featuring Tsallis distribution

th nonthermal ions featuring Tsallis distribution

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egulatory networks from time series by Tsallis e

egulatory networks from time series by Tsallis e

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A non self-referential expression of Tsallis' prob

A non self-referential expression of Tsallis' prob

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Tsallis Statistical Distribution in a Completely O

Tsallis Statistical Distribution in a Completely O

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Tsallis q-exponential describes the distribution

Tsallis q-exponential describes the distribution

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ynamics and the principle of minimum Tsallis in

ynamics and the principle of minimum Tsallis in

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