hue 集成 presto_hue


hive hue presto tez

hive hue presto tez

280x220 - 9KB - JPEG



425x310 - 76KB - PNG



640x399 - 30KB - JPEG



767x360 - 90KB - PNG



937x644 - 125KB - JPEG

azon EMR Release 4.1.0 – Spark 1.5.0, Hue 3

azon EMR Release 4.1.0 – Spark 1.5.0, Hue 3

550x266 - 53KB - PNG



344x169 - 62KB - JPEG

azon EMR Release 4.1.0 – Spark 1.5.0, Hue 3

azon EMR Release 4.1.0 – Spark 1.5.0, Hue 3

550x281 - 92KB - PNG

azon EMR Release 4.1.0 – Spark 1.5.0, Hue 3

azon EMR Release 4.1.0 – Spark 1.5.0, Hue 3

550x273 - 66KB - PNG

azon EMR Release 4.1.0 – Spark 1.5.0, Hue 3

azon EMR Release 4.1.0 – Spark 1.5.0, Hue 3

550x273 - 66KB - PNG

azon EMR Release 4.1.0 – Spark 1.5.0, Hue 3

azon EMR Release 4.1.0 – Spark 1.5.0, Hue 3

550x273 - 71KB - PNG

pdate – Apache Spark 1.5.2, Ganglia, Presto,

pdate – Apache Spark 1.5.2, Ganglia, Presto,

550x308 - 39KB - PNG

Presto相关资源汇总(持续更新) - 极客头条 - CS

Presto相关资源汇总(持续更新) - 极客头条 - CS

1018x629 - 120KB - PNG

Using an AWS Glue crawler to discover datase

Using an AWS Glue crawler to discover datase

500x269 - 106KB - PNG



700x471 - 73KB - PNG

