对焦超神了! A9一堆东西塞到了画质旗舰上去,恐怕不仅仅是自家产品策略调整还有要逼 所以,A7R3当然也包括A9,是想要改变那些天然觉得索尼因为不职业所以不行的人的成见
桌面index of mpeg4偷窥|偷窥美女|son of dork
253x190 - 6KB - JPEG
Portrait of mother with young son lying on bed
1200x800 - 490KB - JPEG
Mother measuring son
1200x800 - 266KB - JPEG
Father playing with his son
1200x800 - 570KB - JPEG
Like father like son
888x1200 - 484KB - JPEG
Mother and son
1200x800 - 491KB - JPEG
Father and son are happy with the apple harves
1200x801 - 1178KB - JPEG
jeune fille et son rottweiler
1000x1200 - 1276KB - JPEG
Close-Up Portrait Of Mother And Son
1200x801 - 728KB - JPEG
Senior couple with son
1200x800 - 1035KB - JPEG
Mother and Son with Dog in Veterinarians Offic
1200x1000 - 636KB - JPEG
Father and Son Using Binoculars
1200x800 - 452KB - JPEG
Mother and Son Dancing Together
800x1200 - 400KB - JPEG
Tender moment between father and son
800x1200 - 1011KB - JPEG
Mother hugging son in kitchen
1200x856 - 693KB - JPEG