pwc strategy&业务

其中deals主要由4个业务线构成,分别是transaction services,valuation,business recovery service和corporate finance。而consulting主要由9个业务线构成,分别是strategy(思略特)

普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 2018校园

普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 2018校园

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普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 2018校园

普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 2018校园

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普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 2018校园

普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 2018校园

640x427 - 31KB - JPEG

普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 2018校园

普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 2018校园

640x502 - 55KB - JPEG

普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 2018校园

普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 2018校园

640x505 - 47KB - JPEG

普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 2018校园

普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 2018校园

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校 招 | 普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 20

校 招 | 普华永道·思略特 (PwC Strategy&) 20

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Books | Strategy&

Books | Strategy&

150x247 - 26KB - JPEG

Consulting & PwC Consulting - Jason 写字的地

Consulting & PwC Consulting - Jason 写字的地

1144x603 - 107KB - JPEG

Strategyand, a member of the PwC network of

Strategyand, a member of the PwC network of

958x547 - 68KB - JPEG

Strategyand, a member of the PwC network of

Strategyand, a member of the PwC network of

640x327 - 63KB - JPEG

nsport reports, thought leadership | Strategy& M

nsport reports, thought leadership | Strategy& M

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Management Engineers | Strategy&

Management Engineers | Strategy&

290x140 - 38KB - JPEG

space and defense | Our thought leadership | Strategy&

space and defense | Our thought leadership | Strategy&

290x140 - 20KB - JPEG

s hope to be acquired within three years: PwC

s hope to be acquired within three years: PwC

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