他也在讲故事俱乐部英语翻译 下载作业帮 扫二维码下载作业帮 4亿+用户的选择 下载作业帮安装包 扫二维码下载作业帮 4亿+用户的选择 他也在讲故事俱乐部英语翻译 英语
参考译文:You can take part in the story-telling club. PS1:take part in也可以用join代替,前者较为通用,属于日常用语PS2:story-telling是复合词也可以用单词taletelling代替taletelling:n.讲故事,搬弄是非;
1. I want to join the club telling stories. 2. You can come today or tomorrow. 3. Oh, no, I am getting fat again. 4. She is a very good musician, she plays the piano very well. 5. It's nine o 'clock, did you get up? 6. On a cold winter night, they arrived in London. 7. Piranhas have many sharp teeth and dangerous. 8. They made paint decoration face fish scales. 9. Piranhas can eat a chicken in two and a half into the skeleton. 10. He is neither tall nor short.
讲故事俱乐部 网络释义 the story telling club 戴氏名师总结:七年级下册课本重点短语 . be good at telling stories擅长讲故事 the story telling club 讲故事俱乐部 like to do/doing st
He is also in the telling stories club.
Story-telling club, Story-lecturing club, Story-stating club
1. I want to join the club telling stories. 2. You can come today or tomorrow. 3. Oh, no, I am getting fat again. 4. She is a very good musician, she plays
The story Club 示例用法: 1. 晚饭时,罗比和女孩共同讲了一个在废弃的乡村俱乐部高尔夫球场上玩捉迷藏的故事。 At supper, robbie and the girl had told, in t
He wants / means / would like to become a member the story-telling club. He wants / means / would like to join the story-telling club.
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1.13 大嘴少儿英语俱乐部 活动回顾 听外教讲故
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Jesse和妈妈讲英语动画绘本-maisy go shoppi
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学校English story telling club正在招募新成员. 假
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【7年级下册英语书翻译】七年级下册英语 课文
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