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最佳答案: salmon英音:['sæmən]美音:['sæmən] 名词 n. 1.鲑鱼,大马哈鱼[C] We saw a few salmon jumping in the waterfall there. 我们看到那边瀑布
.,虽然有很多护发素也能提供一些营养成分,但专家认为食物是这些营养物质的最佳来源,尤其是下面介绍的10种食物: 鲑鱼 (Salmon): 从营养角度来讲,可能很少有其它食物能够胜
3. Objective To assess the effects of salmon calcitonin on bone mineral density in osteoporosis patients with hip fracture. 目的观察肌注鲑鱼降钙素对并骨质疏松症的髋部骨折患
Easy baked and grilled salmon recipes. See tasty seasoning and marinade ideas for salmon fillets, with tips and reviews from home cooks. Follow to get the latest salmon recipe
Salmon is a tool for quantifying the expression of transcripts using RNA-seq data. Salmon uses new algorithms (specifically, coupling the concept of quasi-mapping with a two-pha