Knowledge-guided multi-scale independent
685x544 - 34KB - JPEG
A network integration approach for drug-
675x707 - 62KB - JPEG
Reagent and laboratory contamination can
685x533 - 80KB - JPEG
BactQuant: An enhanced broad-coverage
685x302 - 30KB - JPEG
Knowledge-guided multi-scale independent
685x544 - 37KB - JPEG
Quantitative assessment of the effect of
685x280 - 24KB - JPEG
685x364 - 82KB - PNG
Real-time PCR detection of
685x331 - 22KB - JPEG
Development of a fluorescent quantitative
685x771 - 109KB - JPEG
Development and validation of a
685x795 - 89KB - JPEG
Computational determination of hERG-
685x306 - 85KB - PNG
DDIG-in: discriminating between disease-
1200x1149 - 136KB - JPEG
BactQuant: An enhanced broad-coverage
600x265 - 28KB - JPEG
A conserved histone deacetylase with a role
685x996 - 61KB - JPEG
BactQuant: An enhanced broad-coverage
685x531 - 87KB - JPEG