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简介:v.排出;排干;喝光;耗尽n.下水道;消耗网络词典 adjadj emotionally drained. 精神疲惫的, 例句: I was e

答:civil war drained the country of its manpower and wealth. 内战耗尽了国家的人力和财富。 不及物动词 vi. 1.(水等)流掉,渐渐枯竭[(+away/off/out)] Luckily the water drained aw
答:drainedv. (使)流干, (使)逐渐流走( drain的过去式和过去分词 );喝光,喝干;使(精力、金钱等)耗尽更多释义>>[网络短语]drained 泄油的,精疲力尽,失去图片imperfectly d
drained 跟undrained 的区别,土壤
答: 干燥与非干燥
poorly drained是什么意思
答:排水性差 poorly drained soils on top of peat and under marsh or swamp vegetation. 泥炭土之上湿软或被淹没的植被之下、排水性差的土壤。
英译汉 the vast basin drained three-quarters of the
答: (西部领土发高潮前)辽阔密西西比河流域占美 已发领土四三
i am feeling fatigued and physically drained all these days,espe
答:especially when i take turn of night shift. 这些天来我一直感到精神疲倦和身体疲乏,尤其是轮班到夜班的时候。 1—physically drained 怎么翻译 physically 身体上的 drained 衰
The experience left her emotionally drained. 全局翻译并语法解释
答:句意思:经历让情绪低落 the expeirience 主语 left 谓语词 her 宾语 drained 宾语补足语 emotionally 副词状语修饰形容词drained
i am feeling fatigued and physically drained all these days,espe
答:身体上也总是精疲力尽的感觉,特别是当轮到我值夜班时。 drain [drein] vi. 排水;流干 vt. 喝光,耗尽;使流出;排掉水 n. 排水;下水道,排水管;消耗 drained 这里指精疲力尽的意
l feel drained a lot of time drained啥意思啊
答:我觉累死消耗量间 意思看错题目看l feel drained a lot of time drained drain消耗意思be drained 形容表示累垮
wet and drained soil是指湿润和干燥的土壤么?
答:soi l和 poorly drained soil之分,前者是指排水条件良好的土壤,后者是指经常遭受水淹、排水不畅的土壤。看下面的英文解释能更好地理解什么是drained soil. poorly drained so

