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众所周知 不升级也能享受iOS9.3减弱蓝光
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轻松多挣一份钱? 那是你对斜杠的误会太
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[最佳答案] as is known to all what is known to all it's common sense that we all know that 其实知道上面六个就差不多了~ 有不会的可以再问我

众所周知as everyone knows;as is known to all;be universally [widely] known;Every barber knows that .;E 更多 “众所周知”用英语有几种表

[最佳答案] It is well known that;As we all know;as known to all;as is well known;it's commonly known that;notably;notiously;be universally [widely] known; Everybody knows ; it is common knowledge that; It is known to all that; It is particularly notorious that

[最佳答案] as everyone knows; as is known to all; as we all know;be universally known;be widely known;Every barber knows that ; come to light;It is well known that;be known to every family; be known to every household; be well-known to ev

简介:众所周知,汉语成语,拼音是zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī,意思是大家都知道的。出自《玉娇梨》第二十回。

[最佳答案] As everyone knows, this kind of voice can grate on your nerves. 这是谁也可以想象出来的一种难听的声音.As everyone knows, meditation and water are wedded

[最佳答案] 众所周知: (saying) as is known to everone Relative explainations: <it is well known that> <truism> <as known to all> <come to light> as is now well

[最佳答案] 众所周知:(saying) as is known to everone Relative explainations: as is now well known ;as is well known ;as it is known ;as now well known ;it can be well

众所周知 英文
答: as is known to all what is known to all it's common sense that we all know that 其实知道上面六个就差不多了~ 有不会的可以再问我
答:oxygen is called oxide. 3. 这场事故众所周知。 This accident is widely known. 4. 众所周知,他是有罪的。 It was apparent to all that he was guilty. 5. 新的事实已众所周知, 政
答: as we all know as is known to all everybody knows It is well known that
答: as everyone knows; as is known to all; be universally [widely] known; Every barber knows that ; Everybody knows ; it is common knowledge that ; It is known to all that ; It is
答:with oxygen is called oxide. 3. 这场事故众所周知。 This accident is widely known. 4. 众所周知,他是有罪的。 It was apparent to all that he was guilty. 5. 新的事实已众所周知, 政
答: 1. 用as引导非限制性定语从句的: As we all know;As everyone/everybody knows; As is known to us all;As is known to everyone/everybody 2. 用It做形式主语,that从句做真正主
答:众所周知,英语是:As we all know。 例句: As we all know, some of today's children are overweight because they eat too much fast food. 众所周知,今天很多孩子都超重了,因
答:众所周知 as everyone knows; as is known to all; be universally [widely] known; Every barber knows that ; Everybody knows ; it is common knowledge that ; It is kn
答: As we all know.smoking is bad for health
英语里意思是 众所周知 的所有英语短语,写清楚些,谢谢大家
答:众所周知 As is known to all as everyone knows

