













很荣幸今天在座的多位嘉宾同时也出席了在过去两天举行的科学、科技及创新论坛(STI Forum)。中小微企业与科学、技术和创新的产生和传播之间有着强大的协同作用。科学和技术创新很大一部分来自发展中国家的中小微企业家。中小微企业家凭借对基层需求的深入了解,拥有着将科技创新转化为可复制的发展方案的强大力量。中小微企业不仅成为创新的孵化器,并且也成为推广创新的促进者。









Ambassador MartinGarcia Moritan,



Ladies andgentlemen

I am very pleased to welcome you to the United Nations Headquarters to discussthe important topic of the role of the Micro-, Small and Medium- Enterprises(MSMEs) in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

MSMEscomprise a major share of total private sector entities around the world, inboth developed and developing countries.

Inrecent years, MSMEs have been recognized globally as a crucial forcecontributing to the achievement of the SDGs - from poverty alleviation, zerohunger, economic growth, decent job creation, to reduced inequalities, togender equality, and to sustainable cities and communities.

MSMEsare strong engines of job creation. Some 600 million jobs will be needed in the next 15 years to absorbthe growing global workforce, mainly in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Much ofthis need will be met through the MSMEs.

Inemerging markets, 4 out of 5 new positions have been created by MSMEs, which isabout 90% of total employment in the formal sector.

Jobcreation through MSMEs leads to economic growth and directly benefits the poorand vulnerable, particularly women and youth.

Itreduces poverty, increases income and positively impacts on householdinvestments in education and health, all of which bear tremendous potentialsfor fulfilment of multiple SDGs.

Recognizing theimportance of the MSMEs, the United Nations General Assembly adopted aresolution in 2017, ‘designating 27th June as the “Micro-Small andMedium-Sized Enterprise Day”.

I want to takethis opportunity to recognize the leadership of Argentine in this historicinitiative.

Likewise, in the Addis Ababa ActionAgenda on Financing for Development, the United Nations duly underscored theimportance of MSMEs in achieving the SDGs, advocating for concerted supportfrom national governments, financial institutions and development banks tosupport MSME growth.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Ourgathering today is vital. It represents a global partnership of jointlyexploring opportunities and solutions for MSME development and growth, as thecatalyst for fulfilling the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.

Yet, notwithstanding the importance of MSMEs for SDGs, theyface multiple challenges,including limited access to finance and lack of capacity and knowledge,particularly with regards to business development, marketing and strategicmanagement skills.

In addition, manycountries have not been able to fully tap the potential of MSMEs due to weakpolitical, institutional and regulatory mechanisms

Limited access to sufficient financial resources is anothermajor challenge. Without formal registration and with limited collateral and creditrecords, MSMEs are often perceived as high-risk loan recipients by commercialbanks.

As a result, the current credit gap is estimated to be US$1.2 trillion for formal MSMEs and US$ 6 trillion for informal MSMEs.

Lack of liquidity has left MSMEs unable to pay theiremployees and cover overheads to achieve economy of scale in the medium andlong term.

Combined with the challenge of formalization, the issue ofaccess to finance significantly hampers MSME growth and their potential forcontributing towards the expedited achievement of the SDGs.

Despite these and other challenges, MSME entrepreneurs arean indispensable agent for change in their communities.

MSMEs often spearhead the transformation of technicalinnovations into demand-driven development solutions in both urban and ruralsettings.

I am also very pleased to note that women MSME entrepreneurshave exhibited outstanding performance in growing their business in the face ofmounting challenges and nurturing confidence and self-reliance among poor womenand youth.

I am pleased that many participants here today have alsoattended the Science, Technology and Innovation Forum (STI Forum) held over thepast two days.

There are strong synergies betweenMSMEs and the generation and dissemination of science, technology and innovations.

A substantial partof scientific and technical innovations come from MSME entrepreneurs indeveloping countries.

MSMEentrepreneurs, with their in-depth knowledge on demands of local communities,possess strong power to transform scientific, technical innovations intoreplicable development solutions.

MSMEs have become not onlyincubators, but also facilitators for replication, of innovations.

Atour gathering today, I would like to advocate once again for urgent andconcerted supports by the international community for inclusive and sustainablegrowth of MSMEs.

Specifically, this would include the establishment ofcoherent and transparent regulatory frameworks, pilot and scaling up ofmicro-credit and loan guarantee solutions, as well as provision of universalaccess to ICT and basic infrastructure that allow MSMEs to close and evenleapfrog informational and financial gaps.

I am very pleased to note participants to the symposiuminclude experts and experienced practitioners on MSME growth for SDGs, frommember states, research communities, international organizations and theprivate sector.

I believe this is crucial to foster knowledge exchanges andthe global learning on MSME growth for SDGs. I expect that the in-depthdiscussion at this symposium would identify good practices and recommendationsto eliminate bottlenecks and maximize the potential of MSMEs for acceleratedachievement of the SDGs.

More importantly, I believe the strategic discussions atthis symposium would incentivize efficient mechanisms to be mainstreamed intoglobal policy discussions and national development plans for fully harnessingthe momentum of MSME growth for SDGs.

On this occasion, I would like to extend my sincere thanksto the People’s Republic of China, who have generously funded this symposium.

I understand the symposium also serves as the kick-offworkshop of the project “Enhancing National Capacities for Unleashing FullPotentials of MSMEs in Achieving SDGs in Development Countries” which willlaunch series of capacity building and technical cooperation activities on MSMEgrowth in nine developing countries, which are Brazil, Cambodia, Fiji, Kenya,Laos, Sri-Lanka, Tanzania, Peru and the Philippines.

I believe this symposium would support stocktaking ongoinginitiatives, challenges and opportunities on MSME growth for SDGs in thesecountries, and further facilitate participatory consultation and demand mappingthat steer project implementation in a demand-driven approach.

Finally,I would like to wish the Symposium on the Role of MSMEs in Achieving SDGs muchsuccess, and wish you all a pleasant stay in New York.


