[ICAC专访] 09期 | 乌克兰节点Attic Lab助力IOST生态 (双语)

ICAC是由Node Pacific(IOST Pacific)发起的IOST核心治理社区。为了让广大社区用户更了解IOST的节点们,ICAC社区正式发起了IOST节点合伙人专访。

ICAC专访 09期 | 2019年8月1日,ICAC社区邀请到了Attic Lab的项目经理Vit进行分享。iost

Vitalii Parkhomenko

我的名字是Vitalii Parkhomenko,我在Attic Lab担任项目经理。约一年前,我加入了这家公司,直接负责我们为IOST生态系统开发的工具。我之前在乌克兰的其他IT公司担任PM和BA,全程负责项目的推进直到项目完成。

CEO, Founder

Serhii Vasylchuk

Serhii参与了支付解决方案和支付解决方案反欺诈系统的开发。后来,他成为了SmartBank的副董事长。2016年,他离职创建了Attic Lab。作为Attic Lab的首席执行官,Serhii管理着复杂的软件项目,如openbankIT(基于区块链的银行软件)和Codex(加密货币交易所)。他还参与业务发展和战略规划。


Sergii Ropchan

Attic Lab高级基础设施工程师。Sergii已经证明有能力创建和交付与业务增长、组织开发和系统/网络优化相关的解决方案。Sergii拥有超过20年的Unix软件工程、系统管理和DevOps经验。


Bohdan Opryshko

Bohdan拥有物理学硕士学位。经过多年的项目管理、SMM和UI/UX设计的成功经验,Bohdan加入了Attic Lab。作为首席设计师,他为Codex开发了UX/UI。他在Attic Lab的工作可以归结为商业规划和客户关系。




3.Attic Lab节点主要是做什么的,能给社区用户介绍下吗?

Attic Lab的核心业务是软件开发,主要在区块链行业。去年,我们成为EOS上的BP,这是我们BP活动的开始。现在Attic Lab是一家开发了自己的交易所 Codex.one的公司。我们定期为区块链网络和基于区块链的业务构建解决方案,并在EOS及其侧链和IOST上运行节点。除此之外,我们建立了一个独立的公司Everstake,为几个主要的PoS网络提供质押服务。

4.在刚刚过去的第二季度中,Attic Lab获得了Tier1奖励的好成绩,能简要说下你们都做了什么吗?


我们开发的第一个东西是TG bot,它可以帮助你跟踪交易、检查帐户上可用的余额和资源数量,并在出块节点释放了你应得的奖励时通知你。对于普通用户和出块节点来说,bot都是一个方便的工具。








7.我们能从哪些平台了解到Attic Lab的最新进展和情况呢?





8.最后你可以为Attic Lab拉拉票啦,社区用户为什么要投票给你们,以及投票给你们能为社区用户带去什么?


(English version)

Vitalii Parkhomenko

My name is Vitalii ‘Vit’ Parkhomenko and I work as a Project Manager at Attic Lab. I joined the company a little less than a year ago and was directly responsible for the tools we have developed for the IOST ecosystem.

I have previously worked as a PM and BA for other IT companies here in Ukraine leading projects from the discovery phase to their successful completion.


Serhii Vasylchuk

Serhii took part in the development of payment solutions and antifraud systems in Pay Solution. Later, he became a vice-chairman at SmartBank. He left the position to create Attic Lab in 2016. As a CEO of Attic Lab, Serhii manages complex software projects such as openbankIT (blockchain-based banking software) and Codex (cryptocurrency exchange).


Sergii Ropchan

Senior Infrastructure Engineer at Attic Lab. Sergii has proven ability to create and deliver solutions tied to business growth, organizational development and systems / network optimization. Sergii has over 20 years of Unix software engineering, system administration, and DevOps experience.


Bohdan Opryshko

Bohdan holds Master's degree in Physics. After many years of successful experience in project management, SMM and UI/UX design, Bohdan joined Attic Lab. As a lead designer, he developed UX/UI for Codex. His role at Attic Lab distills down to business planning and customer relations.


1.How did you get involved with IOST? Why do you choose to be an IOST node?

We first came across IOST in December 2018. At the first glance it looked like a promising platform that could compete with other well-established dApp networks. So, we continued our research and in mid-January decided that we were going to run a node since we love to get our hands dirty playing with different technology and setups. From there, we just created a plan with goals for ourselves and have been pretty much following it ever since.

2. What does Attic Lab mainly do? Can you introduce it to community users?
Attic Lab is software development mainly in the blockchain industry. Last year we became a Block Producer on EOS and that was the beginning of our block production activity. So, right now Attic Lab is a company that has developed its own crypto exchange Codex.one, regularly builds solutions for the blockchain network and blockchain-based businesses and also runs nodes on EOS and it’s sister chains and IOST. Besides that we’re created a separate company Everstake that provides staking services for several major PoS networks.
3. In the second quarter of 2019, Attic Lab won the Tier1 reward. Can you briefly tell us what you have done?
For the second quarter, we decided to change the focus of our contributions and concentrate on tools for developers and token holders.
The first thing we developed was a TG bot that helps you track transactions, check balances and amount of resources available on the account and also notifies you when your Servi node has released the rewards you’re due. The bot is a convenient tool both for regular users as well as for the Servi node operators.
Besides that, we contacted the IOST team offering to develop an online IDE for smart contracts since we believe that a good set of developer tools lays the foundation for further advancement and attracts more teams willing to build a product. We discussed the idea with the team, gathered requirements and started working. A little over a month later the IDE was ready. The guys from IOST reviewed it and we also agreed to host it on our server.
So, that’s basically what we’ve been busy with for the past 3 months.
4. What contribution will be made to the whole IOST ecology? If you have a preliminary plan or idea, could you share it with the IOST fans?
For Q3 we’re planning to help migrate a dApp to IOST and extend the functionality of the bot and IDE. By the way, if you have used any of our tools and have improvement suggestions, just shoot us an e-mail at inbox@atticlab.net.
5. What expectations or suggestions do you have for IOST?
I think one of the main things we would love to see get implemented is some sort of a governance mechanism, something that would allow people to submit proposals and vote on them. This is a sure way for us as a chain to evolve and get better, such a community driven approach would also in my opinion increase the appeal of IOST to anyone who’s not a token holder yet.
There are a few other things that the community in general are concerned about like clear roadmap and transparency of the contribution assessment but I think these things have been discussed many times already and I’m sure the team is well aware of them.
6. What platforms can we get the latest development and situation of Attic Lab?
Following us on social media would be the easiest and best way to get the latest news and updates:
Twitter https://twitter.com/atticlab_it
Medium https://medium.com/@attic.it.lab
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/atticlabeosb/
7. Finally, you can promote Attic Lab. Why should the community members vote for you, and what will they get if they vote for you?
Our main goal is to bring value to the IOST ecosystem in any possible way. We proved in the second quarter that we can do that. Besides, we have increased the rewards for all our voters by 4 times and basically give back to the community almost all our rewards.
By voting for Attic Lab you support the advancement of IOST and further motivate us to continue our hard work.


ICAC是由Node Pacific(节点名IOST Padific)发起的IOST核心治理社区,全称IOST Core Arbitration Community,是公平公正公开的IOST第三方社区组织,不代表官方,不代表基金会以及任何节点.

