
A bizarre conspiracy theory puts Bill Gates at the center of the coronavirus crisis — and major conservative pundits are circulating it

来源:商业内幕 翻译:世界播

Elaine Thompson/AP Photo
伊莱恩·汤普森 摄/美联社照片

Bill Gates has advocated for pandemic preparedness for years and famously gave a TED talk in 2015 that warned of the potentially staggering death toll a worldwide pandemic could create.


As the coronavirus pandemic has spread around the world, Gates has pledged $250 million to fight the disease and create a vaccine.


Incredibly, it's these two factors that provide the foundation of a new set of conspiracy theories that point to Gates as the origin of coronavirus — and those conspiracy theories have rapidly gone from fringe online conspiracy theorists to the mouths of conservative pundits.


Here's what we know:


In 2015, Bill Gates gave a TED talk titled, "The next outbreak? We're not ready."



In his 2015 TED talk, Gates examined the ebola outbreak that killed thousands of people in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.He highlighted the factors that kept the disease from spreading worldwide, and warned against the potential for a much more contagious, worldwide pandemic.


"The failure to prepare could allow the next epidemic to be dramatically more devastating than ebola," he said."You can have a virus where people feel well enough while they're infectious that they get on a plane, or they go to a market."


Indeed, that is exactly the case with the novel coronavirus — symptoms of the disease don't necessarily manifest for up to 14 days, and potentially longer.


You can watch the full TED talk right here: Citing that talk, and the Gates Foundation's $250 million contribution to fight the disease, some right-wing conspiracy theorists claim Gates is the mastermind that created the novel coronavirus.


fotopress/Getty Images

The conspiracy theories connecting Gates to coronavirus started in late January, according to a recent New York Times investigation, with a "YouTube personality linked to QAnon" who claimed Gates had prior knowledge of the coronavirus pandemic.


Days later, the website Infowars — the site run by Alex Jones, a conspiracy theorist who claims the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax — published a piece that incorrectly stated the Gates Foundation "co-hosted a pandemic exercise in late 2019 that simulated a global coronavirus outbreak."

几天后,由声称桑迪·胡克(Sandy Hook)枪击案是一场恶作剧的阴谋论者亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)运营的Infowars网站发表了一篇文章,错误地称盖茨基金会“在2019年末共同主办了一次大流行演习,模拟了一场全球冠状病毒爆发”。

The Infowars piece attempted to connect the Gates Foundation's ongoing investments in fighting global pandemics to prior knowledge of the coronavirus pandemic.


According to a FactCheck.org followup, "There was in fact an exercise (called 'Event 201') that took place in October that was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security — which the Gates Foundation participated in — that focused on emergency preparedness in the event of a 'very severe pandemic.' But it didn't deal with 2019-nCoV [novel coronavirus], and it didn't make real-life predictions about death tolls."

根据FactCheck.org的后续报道,“事实上,在10月份,由约翰·霍普金斯健康安全中心(Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security)主办、盖茨基金会(Gates Foundation)参与的一次演习(名为‘事件201’)的重点是在‘非常严重的流行病’发生时做好应急准备。但它没有涉及2019年的新型冠状病毒,也没有对死亡人数做出现实生活中的预测。”

That distinction, however, was ignored by conspiracy theorists.


For the next two months, conspiracies that Gates knew of the virus beforehand or was directly responsible for its creation exploded.And now it's reached at least one Fox News host.



Mentions of coronavirus-related Bill Gates conspiracy theories have exploded on social media and TV: They were mentioned 1.2 million times in the last two months, according to data provided to the New York Times by the media intelligence firm Zignal Labs.

社交媒体和电视上对与冠状病毒有关的比尔·盖茨阴谋论的提及呈爆炸式增长:媒体情报公司Zignal Labs向“纽约时报”提供的数据显示,在过去两个月里,这些阴谋论被提及120万次。

Those conspiracy theories have spread from fringe right-wing conspiracy theorists, like Alex Jones, to conservative pundits like Fox News host Laura Ingraham."Digitally tracking Americans' every move has been a dream of the globalists for years," Ingraham tweeted in early April."This health crisis is the perfect vehicle for them to push this."

这些阴谋论已经从亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)等边缘右翼阴谋论者蔓延到福克斯新闻(Fox News)主持人劳拉·英格拉汉姆(Laura Ingraham)等保守派专家。英格拉汉姆在4月初的推特上写道:“多年来,数字跟踪美国人的一举一动一直是全球主义者的梦想。”“这场健康危机是他们推动这一点的完美工具。”

The commentary was attached to another tweet, which linked to an article about Bill Gates on a conspiracy theory website that cites an answer Gates gave during a Reddit AMA earlier this year.Gates spoke of a hypothetical "digital certificate" that would certify if people were vaccinated from coronavirus.

这篇评论附加在另一条推文上,这条推文链接到一家阴谋论网站上一篇关于比尔·盖茨的文章,这篇文章引用了盖茨今年早些时候在Reddit AMA上给出的答案。盖茨谈到了一种假想的“数字证书”,它将证明人们是否接种了冠状病毒疫苗。

According to the piece, "The inevitable mass vaccination campaign to eradicate COVID-19 would be the perfect opportunity to introduce a worldwide digital ID. This system would store a wealth of information about each individual (including vaccination history) and would be used to grant access to rights and services."


It baselessly claimed that Gates — alongside other rich and powerful people — is using the coronavirus pandemic as a means of instilling a worldwide caste system based on a digital ID.


Ingraham's followers understood the message: "I will not take a #BillGatesVaccine," one responded.


Former Trump staffer Roger Stone, who was sentenced to 40 months in federal prison earlier this year, was more direct than Ingraham."Whether Bill Gates played some role in the creation and spread of this virus is open for vigorous debate," Stone said in a radio interview, according to a New York Post report."I have conservative friends who say it's ridiculous and others say absolutely."

特朗普前工作人员罗杰·斯通(Roger Stone)今年早些时候被判在联邦监狱服刑40个月,他比英格拉汉姆更直接。据“纽约邮报”报道,斯通在一次电台采访中说:“比尔·盖茨是否在这种病毒的产生和传播中发挥了一定作用,还有待激烈辩论。”“我有一些保守派朋友说这很荒谬,其他人则说绝对如此。”

Why Bill Gates?Why now?Even pandemics are partisan.


Mike Cohen/Getty Images for The New York Times

Through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the billions that Gates earned from co-founding Microsoft and turning it into an international powerhouse is being used to fight contagious disease around the world.They've spent millions on the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and polio.


Gates also co-founded The Giving Pledge with his friend and fellow billionaire Warren Buffet, a campaign to get billionaires to promise to give away the majority of their fortunes to philanthropic causes.

盖茨还与他的朋友、亿万富翁沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffet)共同创立了捐赠誓言(Giving Pledge),这是一项让亿万富翁承诺将大部分财富捐赠给慈善事业的活动。

But Gates has also voiced opposition to President Trump's federal coronavirus response.


"Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds," he tweeted on April 15, just after President Trump announced intentions to cut funding for the World Health Organization."Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever."


Despite Gates not mentioning the president, responses to his tweet are notably partisan — and several challengers accuse Gates, through association with former President Bill Clinton and the late convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, of being part of an Illuminati-esque cabal.

尽管盖茨没有提到总统,但对他的推文的回应明显带有党派色彩-几名挑战者通过与前总统比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)和已故被判有罪的恋童癖杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)的联系,指责盖茨是一个光明会式的阴谋集团的成员。

Despite being especially vocal lately, Gates hasn't said much in response to the conspiracies."It's ironic," he told GCTN in a televised interview.


YouTube/Gates Notes

Gates declined an interview with the New York Times for its report on coronavirus-related Bill Gates conspiracy theories — a rare no from a man who's made numerous press appearances lately in an attempt to get out the message on coronavirus prevention.


He did, however, answer a question about those conspiracy theories in a televised interview with Chinese broadcast channel GCTN.


"I'd say it's ironic that you take someone who's doing their best to get the world ready and putting, in my case, billions of dollars into these tools for infectious diseases, and really trying to solve broadly infectious diseases — including those that cause pandemics," Gates said."But we're in a crazy situation, so there's going to be crazy rumors."


