Tea party of Tea Rockers:
Tea party for new ablum "Fictions" release
On May 13, Tea Rockers will host a tea party for releasing their second album "Fictions" in E6·BENTU ONE. Two tea parties will be held from the afternoon to the evening. Meanwhile, 11 calligraphy works that famous poet and painter Che Qianzi specially created for the record will be displayed on the same day and rest of the week after the tea parties.
迄今为止,茶博士的配置包含了古琴、电子噪音、短小的旋律、吉他或者阮、大提琴或者琵琶,有时候还有拇指琴或者二胡,等等。有时候会有观众来问,“为什么会在这么美的音乐里加上噪音?” 这个问题不难回答,而且也可以完全不去回答。
The Tea Rockers has been an improvisational group formed by Wu Na, Xi Jian, Yan Jun, Li Daiguo and Xiao He in October, 2010. But who knows? Perhaps we will start composing in the near future, perhaps not. Sometimes their music so quiet that would make you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes their improvisational performance is like a landscape painting of ancient China. Sometimes it is full of noise. Sometimes in their music you feel like being in a grand wedding ceremony that sounds like a loud roaring of rushing water. Everyone in this quintet has different backgrounds. Their collaboration is like an adventure that has lasted for years, yet new chemical reactions are ready to take place anytime.
Up to now, current instrumentation of The Tea Rockers includes Guqin (Wu Na), electronic noise (Yan Jun), Ruan and guitar with effects (Xiao He), tea ceremony (Xi Jian), Pipa and cello (Li Daiguo), and occasionally mbira or Erhu. Sometimes people come up and ask, "Why would you put noise into such beautiful music?" That is a question neither difficult nor necessary to answer.
Because, when it comes to tea,
Layman talks about its origin;
Amateur cares about its appearance and taste;
Expert would sense and study the philosophy within.
So is music.
这张唱片是EnT-T的老板Dub Mentor 亲自做的后期,和现场很不一样。按照他的口味,更清淡优雅一些。但茶博士直言:“我们是一帮神经病,这真的不是一张可以让你安全回归到精神家园的唱片。”
Tea Rockers' new album
The live recording of that concert was edited, mixed, mastered and eventually released by Israeli label Ent-t, titled "Ceremony". Its Chinese name is actually "红水乌龙", literally meaning "Red Water Oolong", the tea we've been drinking during the concert. How the tea tasted has naturally shaped the music we played – subtle, zealous, relaxed and sleepless… The tea practitioner then was Lao Gu, now is his disciple Xi Jian.
The post-production of this record was made by Dub Mentor, the boss of EnT-T, much different from the live. "The Tea Rockers is a crazy band and this is not a record that can get you safely back to your spiritual home." says the members.
每场茶费:¥100 / 人
E6 · 本土一间(北京市东城区美术馆后街77 文创园2号楼地下一层)
Fee for one show:RMB100 per person
Press and scan the QR Code to sign up in Modern Sky official website
E6·BENTU ONE (B1, No.77 Meishuguan Back Street, 77 Culture Park. Dongcheng District, Beijing China)
Contact: Mr. Zhou Zheng, 13911085155
巫娜 - 古琴
Wu Na, Guqin
Wu na is well known as the Guqin teacher of musician Dou Wei. But before that she has already become the important musician in Chinese modern folk music. Wu Na began her training at the age of nine. (Guqin is a seven-stringed ancient Chinese zither). After achieving success in her teens, she became the first musician in China to receive a Master's degree in Guqin performance. Her dual (Chinese and western) musical education led her to create a new place for the Guqin in contemporary music.
She has performed and recorded with jazz, rock, experimental and classical musicians in Asia, Europe and the US.In 2005 she performed with China’s foremost rock star, Cui Jian, in his solo concert at the Capital Gymnasium in Beijing, and in 2006 she collaborated with the distinguished composer Liu Sola in the production of a contemporary opera, The Fantasy of the Red Queen, at the House of World Cultures in Berlin. Ms. Wu has made several brief performance tours in Asia, Europe and the USA. Her recent critically acclaimed collaboration is with The Tea Rockers Quintet (www.tearockers.com).
喜见 - 茶道
Xi Jian, Tea Ceremony
Tea master, freelancer, associate professor of China Floral Art Foundation, head of designated class in Beijing. Her five prublished personal collections were mostly focus on Guqin, tea, flowers and Spring chants. Xi Jian also established "Female Dandy", a traditional feminine aesthetics and lifestyle brand and "Jade Library", a brand specialized in the culture of studying room items with a unique design style.
颜峻 - 电子
活跃于国际的实验乐手,同时也是全明星跨国乐队FEN的成员,北京“即兴委员会”发起者,实验艺术组织Sub Jam(撒把芥末)创办人,擅长利用场地环境即兴创作,或使用精神能量密集的电子噪音。曾发起私家音乐项目“客厅巡演”计划。
Yan Jun, Electronics
Yan jun, musician and poet. based in beijing.
By using feedback, field recording, voice, body movement, environment, interval and background, he works on improvised music and experimental music. He is member of FEN and Tea Rockers Quintet. and founder of the guerrilla label Sub Jam.
李带菓 - 大提琴/琵琶
Li Daiguo, Cello / Pipa
Having received formal training since toddlerhood in Western classical music (violin, viola, cello, bass) and later in traditional Chinese music (namely stringed instruments like the erhu and pipa), the Oklahoma-born Li dove into the global music cannon and the sprawling world of improvisation after enrolling at San Diego State University with a double major in Western classical violin performance and literature.
Moved to China in 2004 and began to focus on solo improvisation and composition, developing vocal skills and performing in a variety of venues and in the streets all over China.
小河 - 阮 / 电脑/人声
Xiao He, Ruan / Computer / Vocal
Xiao he, whose real name is He Guofeng, is the third son of Tian Qiaoyun and He Pingsuo.
Not sure which style it should beused to define Xiao He, who sing with his voice. His live performances will always surprise you. "Some people make music to be who they are. Some people make music to be scientists, some people make music for the revolution, some people make music as poets, some people make music as mobs, some people make music as thieves, and some people make music to sell themselves. ... I believe that music is not selfish, and I make music for our mutural happeness.", the folk music pioneer Xiao He said.
车前子 - 书法
Che Qianzi, Calligraphy
Che Qianzi, formerly named Gu Pan, was born 1963 in Suzhou. He is a well-known contemporary Chinese poet, essayist, and ink painter. Steeped in Chinese classics, he represents the avant-grade, experimental spirit of contemporary Chinese poetry. Seriously playful and profoundly witty, he once won a sonnet contest by writing the same line fourteen times.
URBANUS都市实践与BENTU本土创造联合启动的实验性非经营空间项目。 作为分属双方各自的空间品牌,基于相似的文化基因和共通理念,URBANUS都市实践与BENTU本土创造进行深度合作,跨界探索一种去产品化、自我更新的空间生长模式:我们期待艺术、设计领域新锐思想的碰撞,欢迎人文学术的探讨,科技行业的创新实践。在不同思想的激荡与蘖生中,穿越空间属性的「无」,生成哲学层面的「有」。
华南 ·深圳市 罗湖区梅园路艺展中心一期 619
华北 · 北京市 朝阳区百子湾路32号苹果社区今日美术馆 4号楼
深圳市 南山区中心路中建钢构大厦西侧博物馆 负一层 B