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shew不是show的过去式,而是另一个单词,但是意思基本一致,n.表示;展览;炫耀;外观;v.出示;指示;引导;说明.也有说法认为,shew是show的另一种写法. show的过去式是showed 过去
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请问show的过去式可以是shew吗,可以.这时它作为不规则动词,规则变化为:showed . other的用法是:也可有代词和形容词,有复数形式others.意思为“别的人(或物)”.作为代词,单
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UCLA is home for more than 12,000 international students and scholars away from home. The Dashew Center is the place where domestic and international students and scholar
shew [ʃəu] n., adj.[英国古语]= show 变形: vi., vt.shewedshewnshewing
shew不是show的过去式,而是另一个单词,但是意思基本一致,n.表示;展览;炫耀;外观;v.出示;指示;引导;说明。也有说法认为,shew是show的另一种写法。 show的过去式是showe
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