音标 [ɪ]的发音方法音标符号发音器官示意图发音口型示意图发音示例音词 IPA88 [ɪ] Loading. Loading. hum i d湿润的 ch i p碎片 eld e st最年长的 likel y或许 当前位置: 首页»
As indicated by the /:/ part of its symbol, /i:/ is a longer sound than /ɪ/ and pronouncing it this way can help distinguish between the two in the pairs of words below. You will also no
Both sounds are short, with /ɪ/ being pronounced with a wider mouth, almost in a kind of smile. This makes it much closer to the long sound /i:/ than it is to the short sound /e/. 两个
注意:/ɪə/是个 集中双元音 ,发音时口型由小到大,从合到开。前一个成分要短一些,模糊一点,而后一个成分要长一些,清晰一点。英式音标中/ə/要扁平,没有卷舌音。美式音标/r/
注意:/ɔɪ/是个 开合双元音 ,即牙床由半开到接近半合,口形由稍大而圆变为小而扁。发音时舌位由低到高,由舌后部抬高滑向舌前部抬高,音量由强到弱,由长到短,由清晰到含糊。
音标网(www.yinbiao5.com)英语音标、国际音标免费学习平台,本页为您提供音标学习类专题国际音标/ɪ/详解。 立足英语音标,面向中小学英语学习全过程! 国际音标/ɪ/详解(共
英语音标ɪ怎么读?比如单词imitate的英式音标为 [ˈɪmɪteɪt] ,仔细听它的发音,第一个ɪ发“一”,第二个ɪ发“恩”,很是不解,希望高手可以帮忙解答,万分感谢
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淡定是一种优秀的品质,淡定怎么表达?l 从零开
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identity \/aɪ'dentɪtɪ\/
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preposition \/,prepə'zɪʃ(ə)n\/
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sympathize \/'sɪmpə'θaɪz\/
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identity \/aɪ'dentɪtɪ\/
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sympathize \/'sɪmpə'θaɪz\/
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sympathetic \/sɪmpə'θetɪk\/
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frequency \/'friːkw(ə)nsɪ\/
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preposition \/,prepə'zɪʃ(ə)n\/
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embrace \/ɪm'breɪs\/ v
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import \/ɪm'pɔːt\/
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