DERP FACE CC 正在Scratch
480x360 - 3KB - PNG
阵地接连沦陷 黑客团体DERP攻击Xbox Live得
640x280 - 21KB - JPEG
叙利亚电子军控制微软Xbox官方账户 乱发消息
500x225 - 7KB - JPEG
250x250 - 21KB - JPEG
吃饭睡觉画登哥|绘画习作|插画|DERP - 原创设
900x1200 - 387KB - JPEG
And courage never to submit or yield: And what
300x300 - 86KB - JPEG
What if whenever a bird hits the window, God is
300x300 - 67KB - JPEG
fist pump baby
300x300 - 80KB - JPEG
250x250 - 22KB - JPEG
1123x794 - 18KB - PNG
Derp Cat…_来自CoveR-Tattoo的图片分享-堆糖
554x603 - 74KB - JPEG
derp da teetley derp.@明明吃了采集到美漫or暗
658x741 - 85KB - JPEG
derp pokemon ghost types:
500x500 - 23KB - JPEG
Flappy Derp_Flappy Derp攻略_修改破解版_电
500x800 - 60KB - JPEG
Sad Derp Cat
658x494 - 59KB - JPEG
derp在英文里是顶级脏话还是随口吐槽开玩笑随口吐槽用呗FB都自嘲()自DERPY类解释释义美网友网编释义: 随口吐槽用 呗 FB 都自嘲( )自 DERPY 类 解释释义 美 网友 网 编
高端高精度DERPSON全自动台式锂电薄膜测厚仪 Mahr马尔薄膜测厚仪 德准全自动薄膜测厚仪自动走膜自动测量自动记录无损检测仪器 授权代理德国Mahr马尔全自动薄膜测
Your common DeRp wants government spending and lots of it. DeRps don't care if they have to borrow it's only important that all of their choice interest groups (hobbies) are fed a
This is a test of the Derp Face Broadcasting System. This is only a test. Had this been an actual situation requiring such, the derp face you had just seen would have been followed
Hey, Derpii! I was wondering if there's anywhere I can see your latest art? I know you haven't done much pony lately, but I love your style and would love to see more of your work. T
My name is DerpInfinity, but you can just call me whatever you like. But my real name is Jennifer, Jenny for short. And my actual age is 19 lmao. I was being a lil shit when i created
herp derp有两个意思: expression used when a person, or yourself, has done somthing extremely stupid and dopey 例子: a: dude, i just hit my head on the door. b: herp derp. 2. a sexually transmitted disease contracted from sex with dick
derp是什么意思?.刚才打把dota2老外各种坑我们这边前期gank节奏没带上一下子崩盘了然后一个老外屠夫就在那骂街一下骂这个是jocker一下骂那个是noob然后说 who is derp
感叹词,用于非常吃惊,痛苦,绝望等场合。源自美剧South Park。