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巴德学院Bard College始建于1860年,位于纽约州,是一所4年制高等文理教育学府。《美国新闻与世界报道》文理学院排名第37名,《华盛顿月刊》美
简介:巴德学院始建于1860年,是一所4年制文学、科学高等教育学府。 该校热门专业是社会科学和历史、外国语言/文学
1)美国的大学一所只能申请一次的,所以如果你ed1被拒了,nyu就不能再申请了 2)Steinhardt我不太了解,但是nyu这几年录取偏好越来越奇怪了,有sat单科四百多被录的也有780被拒的,但是如果学studio arts的话最重要的还是作品集啦。然后你的activity list里面最好有更多的和专业相关的活动与奖项来show your interest。我有个学长今年刚申请完去了nyu文理学院,sat2100+,ib预估分42,给你做个参考。总之标化成绩越高越好啦 3)申艺术专业的话sat2得看你选的什么科目了,三门800的数理化可能还没有一门680的艺术史更加对口。关于11月的sat 我们学校做的统计是10月和11月sat的全年级平均分相比只增加了20分左右,所以==当然只要努力也有可能一个月提高一两百分的啦。ed2其实跟ed1本质上来说没有什么区别,但还是暗示了nyu是你的second best,如果你觉得你11月和12月sat成绩会有比较大的进步就申ed2好了 我也是今年申请的,准备rd申nyu的文理,一起加油!
Bard College and Bard College at Simon's rock at two different institutions. The first is a four year liberal arts college, and the second is an early college aimed for talented high school students. You should be able to transfer to Bard from Bard College at Simon's rock, but that is not guaranteed. At this point of the year (May 1st is usually the admission deadline), you should contact the two schools directly yourself rather than asking at here. Anyone answering from here would not be respon
The Center for Civic Engagement at Bard College embodies the fundamental belief that education and civil society are inextricably linked. In an age of information overload, it is m
Bard College is a private, liberal arts undergraduate college located in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York. The Center for Civic Engagement at Bard College embodies the fundame
Bard College最喜欢什么样的学生? 学校成绩单、严格的高中课程、论文、学术推荐、天赋、参与活动的热情、热爱学习和个人抱负很重要。School transcripts and achieveme
Bard MFA Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts PO Box 5000, 30 Campus Road Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504-5000 Contact Us: Tel: 845-758-7481 Fax: 845-758-7507
Through student-led projects and volunteer work, Bard College Berlin supports involvement with public life outside the classroom. Civic Engagement Program for International Edu
如题巴德学院 Bard College这所美国院校是不是属于社区学院?排名怎么样我成绩不是太好可以进去读书么谢谢了~!巴德学院Bard College成立于1860年,位于纽约上州的安娜