athens怎么读_athens greece怎么读

古希腊雅典,Ancient Greece Athens,音标,读音,翻

古希腊雅典,Ancient Greece Athens,音标,读音,翻

150x182 - 13KB - JPEG

he 2004 Games now resemble ancient Athens

he 2004 Games now resemble ancient Athens

962x641 - 229KB - JPEG

Forest fire rages in Athens[2]|

Forest fire rages in Athens[2]|

600x408 - 40KB - JPEG

Historic relics in Athens[2]-

Historic relics in Athens[2]-

800x536 - 138KB - JPEG

Ancient Athens in 4 days: Travel Guide on TripA

Ancient Athens in 4 days: Travel Guide on TripA

550x367 - 31KB - JPEG

Greek forest fire rages near Athens as three vil

Greek forest fire rages near Athens as three vil

964x542 - 118KB - JPEG

Athens Olympic Stadium…

Athens Olympic Stadium…

700x525 - 81KB - JPEG

ic flame for Nanjing Youth Games lit in Athens[2

ic flame for Nanjing Youth Games lit in Athens[2

453x600 - 80KB - JPEG

Promotional Athens Cars Greece, Buy Athens C

Promotional Athens Cars Greece, Buy Athens C

800x600 - 83KB - JPEG



397x600 - 53KB - JPEG



600x600 - 53KB - JPEG

Parthenon on the Akropolis in Athens

Parthenon on the Akropolis in Athens

1200x800 - 1100KB - JPEG

The Erechtheum, Athenian Acropolis. Athens, G

The Erechtheum, Athenian Acropolis. Athens, G

1200x900 - 1212KB - JPEG

io University Inn & Conference Center, Athens照

io University Inn & Conference Center, Athens照

550x365 - 48KB - JPEG

Athens Acropolis Theater Stock Photography -

Athens Acropolis Theater Stock Photography -

400x267 - 52KB - JPEG

英文原文: athens greece 英式音标: [??θ?nz] [ɡri?s] 美式音标: [??θ?nz] [ɡri?s]

athens 的中文是: 雅典 啊!那可难了,因为我是说粤语的。很对不起,帮不到了你。



5. Why go to Athens to watch your team get licked? 为什么要去雅典看你们球队被对手击败? 体系认证 去看看 夜大报名条件 去看看 平遥古城住宿 去看看 蒙娜丽莎婚纱 去看看

Keren Weitzberg. We Do Not Have Borders: Greater Somalia and the Predicaments of Belonging in Kenya. Athens: Ohio University Press, .Strategies of Remembering in Greec

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雅典国家形成时期的社会经济 The Social Economy of the State of Athens at the State of Formation; 说明:双击或选中下面任意单词,将显示该词的音标、读音、翻译等;选中中文

