windows performance toolkit_windows performance

内容提示:使用Windows Performance Toolkit进行性能分析及优化 文档格式:PDF| 浏览次数:952| 上传日期:2012-09-22 22:17:14| 文档星级: 该用户还上传了这些文档 关注微信公

Included in the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit, the Windows® Performance Toolkit consists of performance monitoring tools that produce in-depth performance profil

Windows 性能工具包包含两个独立的工具:Windows Performance Recorder (WPR)和 Windows Performance Analyzer (WPA)。The Windows Performance Toolkit consists of tw

Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit(简称WPT)是微软用来对Windows进行性能检测的工具,适合于Windows Vista。利用其对Windows系统进行性能分析,找到影响性能的关

安装XperfWindows性能工具包(WPT)随着Windows软件开发包(SDK)一起发布。在安装SDK之前,你必须首先安装Microsoft .NET Framework 4。除非你想安装整个高达4GB的SDK,否则你就只应该选择Windows性能套件(Windows Performance Toolkit)和Windows调试工具(Debugging Tools for Windows)这两个选项,如图1所示。 你还应该选择可再分发包(Redistributable Package)下的WPT和调试工具(Debugging Tool)选项,这样以后你才可以单独安装使用某个工具,而不用被迫重新安装SDK。安装产生的Windows性能套件和调试工具可以在如下位置找到: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Redist\Windows Performance Toolkit 如果你在SDK的安装过程中遇到问题,你可以参考这个故障排除页面寻求帮助,如清理AppData\Local\Temp目录下的文件(我经常需要这么做)。安装完成后

首先需要安装Windows Performance Toolkit,然后使用其中的xperf工具进行信息收集,下载地址: 下载之后我们安装的时候只选择Windows Performance Toolkit就好了: 安装完成后

DOCPDF PPT XLS TXT ”WindowsPerformance Toolkit 0-30”Windows Performance ToolkitWindowsPerformance Toolkit SQLPerformance Analyzer 13_Windows_Server

ADK 8.1 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Windows Performance Toolkit) xbootmgr.exe wpr.exe : windows performace recorder (wpr 捕捉数据,V5中替代xperf新命令行

calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

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calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

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Windows Performance Toolkit aims to help dev

Windows Performance Toolkit aims to help dev

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calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

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calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

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calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

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calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

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calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

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calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

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calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

calability With Windows Performance Toolkit - 推

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里有Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit 下

里有Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit 下

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Using the Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT

Using the Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT

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Using the Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT

Using the Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT

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Install the Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT)

Install the Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT)

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Using the Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT

Using the Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT

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