3、用linuxdeployqt进行打包,一定要加上-appimage选项,在打包前一定要确定所有的库文件都能自动索引到 例如:./linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage test -appimage 4、
linuxdeployqt打包工具 会员到期时间: 剩余下载个数: 剩余C币: 剩余积分:0 为了良好体验,不建议使用迅雷下载 VIP下载 您今日下载次数已达上限(为了良好下载体验及使用,每位
运行 ./linuxdeployqt-2-x86_64.AppImage ShanbayDict -appimage也未成功,但lib生成了很多so文件 使用 patchelf --set-rpath /opt/Qt-5.7-static/lib/:./lib ShanbayDict修改 rpath后,S
1.1 (界面编译)打开QtCreator,打开linuxdeployqt项目,直接构建即可,构建完成后在linuxdeployqt目录下可找到编译好的可执行文件(linuxdeployqt
sudo mv linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage linuxdeployqt 3 移动到目录 /usr/local/bin ,然后就可以使用了 4 打开终端,输入命令 linuxdeployqt 可以看到使用手册 5 配置 qt
chmod 777 linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage 3、把qmake的路径添加到环境变量中 sudo vim /etc/profile 在文件末尾添加: export PATH= /home/god/Qt5.11.2/5.11.2/g
I have no experience with linuxdeployqt , however, a couple of things I'd try: check that qmake -v is showing the same Qt version you built the app with. For example, if you used Qt
If chrpath shows $ORIGIN/lib/ that means you've run linuxdeployqt on your app, and that in the current directory there should be a subdirectory lib with all the needed Qt dlls (copied
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