英语童话:乡下老鼠和城市老鼠 - 听力课堂
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英语童话:乡下老鼠和城市老鼠 - 听力课堂
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Pollution,now, becomes a world wide problem. Air, rivers even soil may do harm to animals and plants. There's an example in our daily life:As the increasing number of cars, we can only see cars on the roads. Yes, it may make everyone convenient, but the air may also polluted by this. what was worse, it seems that people have not realized it. The waste water poured by factories, causes deaths of fish. but the managers likely haven't seen this, what they are thinking is all about the profit. If th
找了好久了呵呵,虽说是没区别,但是还是说的是区别。 农村和城市没有根本的区别 生活在城市中有更好的基础条件,完善的医疗,教育,和交通,但是城市中存在着各种问题:例如环境的污染,人际关系的陌生等。 生活在农村能有更安定的生活环境,美丽的山,清澈的湖水,和自然的动物植物。同样的农村的生活条件比较差,基本的生活条件不够完善,不太适应现代人的生活方式。 城市生活有很大的压力,比如上海,北京,深圳,他们有发达的经济和交通,以及信息交流等。但是生活在城市中的人为了更好的生活往往需要付出很多的努力,城市生活适应的是那些有竞争力,希望在快节奏中生活的年轻人。 农村生活比较自由,没有太多的压力,只是需要为自己的基本生活工作,但是你同时也失去了享受现代文明带来的一些方便,比如网络,信息,交通等。 作为我个人来说,其实农村和城市没有很大区别,关键在于个人的心态,只要你充满自信,仁慈,宽广的胸怀,和良好的心态,农村也是城市,城市也是农村,我只是一个生活在城市的农民!只希望有自己的生活,自己的家 Rural and urban is no fundamental difference between livin
在城市和在农村的区别英语辩论材料 慕容凝梦|2018-06-30 |举报 在城市和在农村的区别英语辩论材料 专业文档 专业文档是百度文库认证用户/机构上传的专业性文档,文库VIP
我觉得老人比较喜欢乡村生活,年轻人比较喜欢城市生活。人在不同的阶段会追求不同的 您可以留下您的邮件地址, 当我们有英语作文更新的时候,
英 语 作 文 — — 乡 村 和 城 市 生 活 的 异 同 lxliumingxia|2018-06-29 马上扫一扫 手机 少儿英语学习专题 餐厅营销策划方案,点击. ©2019 Baidu | 由百度云提供计算服务 选择
There are many differences between cities and countrysides. First it is very noisy and crowded in cities while it is very quiet in the countrysides. Second the traffic is too busy in cities while it is slow in countrysides. Third the people in cities are a little indifferent(冷淡) while people in the countryside are very friendly.Finally the cost of living in big cities is higher than that in the countryside. But there are many advantages in big cities . First there are many opportunities to find
People living in cities often feel trapped in the cage. Like birds lost the blue sky and the forest was kept in a golden cage. City trees rarely, and no
Many people prefer to live in the city for several reasons.First it is convenient in shopping,traffic and entertainment.Secondly it is clean and tide in the streets and parks and most o