
Despite this, more research is needed to substantiate this association. 尽管如此,这种联系还有赖更多研究来佐证。 Field experience did not usually substantiate the claims. 实际

2. Do you have any proof to substantiate your alibi? 你有证据表明你当时不在犯罪现场吗? 3. Ask the promoter of the plan to substantiate claims with hard evidence. 请这个计划

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confirm that.我们的观察证实. substantiate: [ s?bs't?n?ieit ] v.实体化,证实词形变化:名词:substantiation动词过去式:substantiated过去分词:substantiated现在分词:sub.

verb (used with object), sub·stan·ti·at·ed, sub·stan·ti·at·ing. to establish by proof or competent evidence: to substantiate a charge. to give substantialexistence to: to s

Numerous adverse effects of the drugs, which might improve cognitive function in patients with AD substantiate serious consideration of measures enhancing adaptive potential a

Tracking reaching behavior or eye movements will be necessary to substantiate the findings, she adds. 追踪到行为或者眼神移动将进一步证实这个结果,她补充说。 article.yeey

如:confirm a rumour证实谣言。 substantiate指“列举事实以证实某一主张是有效的”, 如:The slanderer cannot substantiate his tale. 那个诽谤者不能证实他的谎言。 ascerta

confirm, corroborate, substantiate, verify, authenticate, validatemean to attest to the truth or validity of something. confirmimplies the removing of doubts by an authoritative stateme

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