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拿出一个我们常用的计算机键盘,在整个键盘上,会有着密密麻麻的按键,如果不仔细找的话,我们真的还很难找到 control键的键位。也许不了解键盘的朋友会说,在键盘上根本找不
In recent years, plague rebounded, so it is important to understand the geographical distribution and environmental factors of plague and rodents to control rodent plague effective
His family had controlled The Times for more than a century. 他的家族已经控制了一个多世纪的《泰晤士报》。 A reactionary government is able to suppress the press, but not a
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4. control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage 5. verify or regulate by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard, of scient
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