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an English teacher ? If your answer is "yes",then we have a job for you as an English teacher. Please call Mr.frank at 84497818 招聘:你喜欢英语吗?你可以说英语说的
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8英文招聘广告1 gohappy小琪|2016-11-24 |举报 专业文档 专业文档是百度文库认证用户/机构上传的专业性文档,文库VIP用户或购买专业文档下载特权礼包的其他会员用户可用
Production Technologist Draftsperson Duties: Under the leadership of the Chief Engineer,to be responsible for detailed product design of the machines. Also will investigate and recommend improvements to the product lines (产品类型). Qualifications (资历): Graduate of a Mechanical Engineering degree or diploma course, or a Drafting course with emph- asis on Mechanical Drafting. Experience with agricultural equipment would be an advantage. Please apply to: Chief Engineer Agricultural Manufacturing Indus
Job position 参考资料:招聘岗位 拓展资料: 双语例句1.不过他说,现在开放的招聘岗位似乎比一年前多了。But, he said, more jobs seem to be opening up now than a year ago. 2.然后每天读各种报纸从中选出你感兴趣的招聘岗位。 Then read all kinds of newspaper everyday and select from them some job vacancy you are interested in. 3.根据英国大学毕业生招聘者协会(agr)的数据,各投行预计会对招聘岗位做出28%的"大幅"削减。Investment b
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