
This is how introverts leverage their power of presence:they"own"the moment by speaking calmly and

爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供own the moment的中文意思,own the moment的用法讲解,own the moment的读音,

1.Own the moment:趁现在 1.My own life at the moment has no meaning. 我自己的生命此刻已经毫无意义了。

选择了Lee,于是就爱上了Own the moment~!世界上最宝贵最值得珍惜的是时间,最容易消逝最容易忽视的也是

什么意思吖 蕾蕾吖,我是they are living with there parents for the moment because their own house_

什么意思,And your own mental state,how would you describe it at the moment?的真人发音,权威用法和

爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供It is the rabbit \ 对不起 没有找到相关词典解释 建议您:检查输入是否有误?

own the. 拥有. 这应该是两个单词own和the own 英[əʊn]美[oʊn] n.自己人 vt.承认 vi.


答:这四个词组都是由moment构成的介词词组,其意思和用法如下: (1)at the moment“此刻,那时”,常用于

