vsphere data protection

vSphere Data Protection(VDP)使用 vSphere Web Client 和 vSphere Data Protection 应用装置将备份存储到

2、vSphere Data Protection 5.1,有三个ovf 装置!但是 可用空,并在适当的 vSphereData Protection”,

vSphere Data Protection不同版本的相同点?不同点?高级版本中用户获得了什么?本文一一为你介绍。

当我们使用VMWare vSphere 5 作为虚拟平台时,一般推荐选择VDP来作为备份工作, 它的 优势 非常明显:速度

你无法避免灾难发生,有时也需要远程访问对环境进行监控。VMware vSphere Data Protection有一个重要功能,

为了防止这种情况再次发生,所以近期研究了vSphere Data Protection。但是也是刚接触,所以先写一篇简介,

vSphere Data Protection(VDP)和 VDP Advanced 5.8 发行说明|2014 年 9 月 9 日 本发行说明包含以下主题:


vSphere Data Protection error – operation fail

vSphere Data Protection error – operation fail

470x257 - 71KB - PNG

vmware vsphere data protection Advanced_wo

vmware vsphere data protection Advanced_wo

800x600 - 224KB - PNG

Vmware vSphere Data Protection备份安装和配

Vmware vSphere Data Protection备份安装和配

602x299 - 111KB - JPEG

VMware vSphere Data Protection5.5 - 云服务于

VMware vSphere Data Protection5.5 - 云服务于

813x668 - 226KB - JPEG

vSphere Data Protection (VDP) Troubleshootin

vSphere Data Protection (VDP) Troubleshootin

300x256 - 72KB - PNG

vSphere Data Protection Advanced 5.5 is Gene

vSphere Data Protection Advanced 5.5 is Gene

550x264 - 42KB - PNG

vSphere Data Protection Advanced 5.5 is Gene

vSphere Data Protection Advanced 5.5 is Gene

550x218 - 85KB - PNG

vSphere Data Protection and Recovery Test [V

vSphere Data Protection and Recovery Test [V

623x458 - 5KB - PNG

vSphere Data Protection Direct-to-Host Emerg

vSphere Data Protection Direct-to-Host Emerg

550x248 - 58KB - PNG

ackup with VMware vSphere Data Protection A

ackup with VMware vSphere Data Protection A

665x376 - 33KB - PNG

vSphere Data Protection Advanced 5.5 is Gene

vSphere Data Protection Advanced 5.5 is Gene

600x218 - 36KB - PNG

VMware vSphere Data Protection

VMware vSphere Data Protection

550x240 - 67KB - PNG

Center Server with vSphere Data Protection (V

Center Server with vSphere Data Protection (V

398x292 - 15KB - PNG

VMware vSphere Data Protection 5.1.11 and v

VMware vSphere Data Protection 5.1.11 and v

243x238 - 26KB - JPEG

kup Data Storage for vSphere Data Protection

kup Data Storage for vSphere Data Protection

550x348 - 104KB - PNG

