xsd:complexType name="SnapExtensions_Type"><xsd:simpleContent><xsd:extension base="xsd:int"/></xsd:
ID:An xsd:unsignedInt([XMLSCHEMA2]section 3.3.22)attribute that specifies the identifier of a data
start:An xsd:unsignedByte([XMLSCHEMA2]section 3.3.24)attribute that specifies an arrowhead at the
VSD格式文件是由Microsoft Visio 2003创建的,而新版本(Visio 2007、Visio 2010)统一采用了VSDX格式。
attribute name="TopPage"type="xsd:unsignedInt"/><xsd:attribute name="DefaultTextStyle"type="xsd:
N:An xsd:string([XMLSCHEMA2]section 3.2.1)attribute that specifies the language-independent name of
N:An xsd:string([XMLSCHEMA2]section 3.2.1)attribute that specifies the name of the function.It MUST
IX:An xsd:unsignedInt([XMLSCHEMA2]section 3.3.22)attribute that specifies the tabs properties used
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