
Gay marriage in Argentina makes history in L. A

Gay marriage in Argentina makes history in L. A

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California passes law to teach gay history in sc

California passes law to teach gay history in sc

900x599 - 112KB - JPEG

太子妃升职记大结局解析 演员黑历史遭扒张天

太子妃升职记大结局解析 演员黑历史遭扒张天

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California passes law to teach gay history in sc

California passes law to teach gay history in sc

600x452 - 69KB - JPEG

Gay Lothario Hugh Jackman

Gay Lothario Hugh Jackman

407x520 - 58KB - JPEG

Noah apologises for anti-gay insult to fan

Noah apologises for anti-gay insult to fan

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Latin singer Ricky Martin says he is gay

Latin singer Ricky Martin says he is gay

450x310 - 99KB - JPEG

Beijing's first gay marriage sparks storm online

Beijing's first gay marriage sparks storm online

359x517 - 183KB - JPEG

Gay parade in Rio de Janeiro

Gay parade in Rio de Janeiro

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Hollande signs gay marriage bill into law |Europ

Hollande signs gay marriage bill into law |Europ

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Gay marriage case highlights emotions

Gay marriage case highlights emotions

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Gay pulls out of Golden League duel with Powe

Gay pulls out of Golden League duel with Powe

450x278 - 18KB - JPEG

Ian McKellen takes act to film, TV -- and gay rig

Ian McKellen takes act to film, TV -- and gay rig

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Bolt: Sprint rival Gay 'hates my guts'

Bolt: Sprint rival Gay 'hates my guts'

399x600 - 59KB - JPEG

Gay couples celebrate marriage in NY

Gay couples celebrate marriage in NY

460x296 - 23KB - JPEG


调整字号大小: Read in 下面就一起来看看,公开出柜的中国同性恋名人都有哪些!吉米(Ji Mi)




调整字号大小: 台湾名嘴蔡康永也曾坦承自己与男友的10多年恋情,并在小说中叙述了两人的恋爱过程。



而Ricky在1999年的格莱美颁奖典礼上现场表演《The Cup of Life》也成为格莱美历史上的经典现场演出之一。


