*** no rule to make target all'. stop.

若要转载请注明来源 首先看提示信息 产生的背景make:*No rule to make target `all'.Stop 在eclipse上创建

ndk-r9d/ndk-build all Android NDK:WARNING:APP_PLATFORM android-19 is larger than android:

错误:make all make:*No rule to make target `all'.Stop.解决方式:右键项目->properties-C/C++ Build->

此时可看到Builder Type是不可选的, 且Makefilegeneration->Generate makefiles automatically是未选中的

编译工程时就会出现 make:*No rule to make target `all'.Stop. 解决: 本身具有自动创建makefile的功能,

原因是自己的Makefile中make命令是make,qt默认的命令是make all,导致出错。解决办法:在左侧选择切换到

make:*No rule to make target 'all'.Stop. 10:03:13 Build Finished(took 194ms) run的时候提示找不到

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