build up hope but failure's all you've known [04:17.70]Remember all the sadness and frustration [04:25.85]And let it go [04:33.01]Let it go [04:41.48] Linkin Park-Iridescent 歌词下
iridescent - 基本信息,歌曲简介,版本一歌词,版本
593x593 - 65KB - JPEG
[歌词] Linkin Park:Iridescent - 教育频道 - 国际在
250x333 - 21KB - JPEG
[歌词] Linkin Park:Iridescent - 教育频道 - 国际在
250x333 - 22KB - JPEG
[歌词] Linkin Park:Iridescent - 教育频道 - 国际在
250x337 - 20KB - JPEG
[歌词] Linkin Park:Iridescent - 教育频道 - 国际在
229x150 - 26KB - JPEG
Iridescent (from Transformers 3: Dark of the Mo
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didas Superstar Classic Hologram Iridescent A
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Nike Air Max 90 Ultra Moire QS Iridescent Pac
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Nike Air Max 90 Ultra Moire QS Iridescent Pac
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didas Superstar Classic Hologram Iridescent A
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didas Superstar Classic Hologram Iridescent A
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