

202x358 - 6KB - JPEG

202x358 - 3KB - JPEG

Twists of Fate
270x406 - 32KB - JPEG

1000x1000 - 90KB - JPEG

425x480 - 66KB - JPEG

Butterfly Twists 2015春夏系列广告大片【
720x1080 - 227KB - JPEG

658x439 - 91KB - JPEG

900x1200 - 180KB - JPEG

1023x701 - 236KB - JPEG

Fractal Twists
1023x767 - 224KB - JPEG

1023x682 - 151KB - JPEG

Honey twists
685x1023 - 175KB - JPEG

1023x682 - 126KB - JPEG

Fractal Twists
1024x768 - 161KB - JPEG

835x835 - 32KB - JPEG


twists and turns 是什么意思?
答:n. 迂回曲折(委曲) 1. Although it looks direct on the map the path twists and turns a lot. 这条路在地图上看上去很直,其实迂回曲折,拐弯很多。 2. Downstream the river twists a
twists and turns是什么意思
答:n. 迂回曲折(委曲) 1. Although it looks direct on the map the path twists and turns a lot. 这条路在地图上看上去很直,其实迂回曲折,拐弯很多。 2. Downstream the river twists and tu
twists and turns是什么意思
答:n.迂回曲折; 周折; 往返曲折; 例句: 1. You know, life has many twists and turns. 你知道,生活中总是充满了曲折. 2. No probing the devious twists and turns of man's darkes
twists and turns是什么意思
答:曲折 双语对照 词典结果: twists and turns n.迂回曲折; 往返曲折; 周折; 例句: 1. The narrative is fast-paced and the plot twists and turns like a trappedsnake. 这本小说
cheese twists的意思
答:cheese twists芝士条,奶酪曲奇例句:These ranged from cheese twists and potato chips to carrots, cherry tomatoes and sandwiches or sausage rolls.有奶酪曲奇、薯片、胡萝卜、
The journey of life is not perfect, the twists an
答: 旅途完美曲折风景思考完美 直译满意请采纳
Life is not perfect, twists and turns scenery!
答:The journey of life is not perfect, the twists and turns is also scenery, think is perfect.——人生的旅途没有完美,曲折亦是风景,想通就是完美。
velocity twists在力学上是什么意思
答:速度曲折 拼音双语对照 双语例句 1 The relations between the pitches of the output twists and hree velocity inputs are described, and the spatial distribution of the axes of all the tw
the number of twists什么意思
答:twists拧转次数Fortunately, the number of twists required increases very slowly, so it is not toodifficult&nbs
喜欢一双BUTTERFLY TWISTS的鞋子,但是看介绍鞋面是PU的
答:BUTTERFLY TWISTS精选优质人造革面料,凸显了鞋子的时尚感。所以你要看PU就觉得质量不好,BUTTERFLY TWISTS采用优质的面料,橡胶鞋底,记忆海绵鞋垫,满足了您对鞋子
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