

Discussing Business Matters Stock Image -
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Discussing Stock Image - Image: 3130351
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Discussing Plot Stock Photo - Image:
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Discussing Plans
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Discussing data
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Discussing picture
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Discussing Royalty Free Stock Images -
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Discussing sketch
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Discussing documents
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房地产经纪人 discussingr
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Discussing Seniors Stock Photo - Image:
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626x417 - 68KB - JPEG


答:讨论;论述,辩论 (discuss的现在分词 ) 例: The government is discussing the proposal. 政府正在讨论这项提案。
答:discuss 一般用于解释,说明,讨论。 例如:there is nothing we can discuss about this matter. discussing 是一个动词专名词的形式,discuss 是动词discussing是名词
答:c 注意将来时。 至少要用原形 但是题中没有。 locked 表达一种被锁的状态,被锁在会议室内。 discussing 这个部分是定语 表达伴随动作
I‘m going to be discussing the benefits of..请问这里be是什
答:不要把 'be" 独立出来分析,to be discussing是不定式的进行体;不可去掉。 动词不定式有3种时态形式表示:相对于“主动词”的时间关系: 1、多数在主动词之后发生的:t
discussing 的同义词!快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快
答:lively discussion.热烈的讨论argument,consideration,debate,deliberation,dialogue,discourse,examination,exchange of views,symposium,talk.但是discussing确实没找到.用手机打
It is worth discussing the question.为什么不对?
答:。 1. worth: be worth + n. 当名词为金钱时,表示"…… 值得……" be worth doing sth. "……某事值得被做" The question is not worth discussing again and
完形填空:Discussing the causes of animal
答:答案: 50-54: CBDAC 55-59: ADACD 60-64: BCDAB 附原文及选项: When discussing the causes of animal endangerment, it is important to understand that individual specie
They are discussing how to build up a government
答:They are discussing how to build up a powerful government
They are discussing the possible advantage they can take of the
答:他们在讨论,就目前情况有什么潜在的优势。 这里的advantage 是(名词) 是后面从句 的主语 They are discussing the possible advantage (what、which ) they can take of the pre
you can't tell what we are discussing here to____ you think m
答:be related的主语(请自行排出you think插入语的影响),所以要用主格的whoever,句子成分分析如下: you (主句主语) can't tell(主句谓语) what we are discussing here(直接宾语从句
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