submit counteroffer

Unit_4_Offer_and_Counter-offer (2)PPT

Unit_4_Offer_and_Counter-offer (2)PPT

1080x810 - 30KB - JPEG

Chapter 3 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offer

Chapter 3 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offer

794x1123 - 34KB - PNG

6 unt3 section3 counter-offer.ppt

6 unt3 section3 counter-offer.ppt

960x720 - 125KB - JPEG



1080x810 - 47KB - JPEG

Unit 3Offer & Counter-offerPPT

Unit 3Offer & Counter-offerPPT

1080x810 - 148KB - JPEG

Unit 6 Counter-offer and Acceptance

Unit 6 Counter-offer and Acceptance

1080x810 - 70KB - JPEG

英语外教,还盘 Counteroffer

英语外教,还盘 Counteroffer

794x1123 - 43KB - PNG

Lesson Eight Offer and Counter-offer

Lesson Eight Offer and Counter-offer

1080x810 - 86KB - JPEG

Quotation, offer and counter-offer letter writing

Quotation, offer and counter-offer letter writing

1080x810 - 49KB - JPEG

Unit 6 Counter-offer and Acceptance

Unit 6 Counter-offer and Acceptance

1080x759 - 23KB - JPEG

Chapter 5 Offer & Counter-offerChapter 5 Offe

Chapter 5 Offer & Counter-offerChapter 5 Offe

794x1123 - 41KB - PNG

Quotation, offer and counter-offer letter writing

Quotation, offer and counter-offer letter writing

1080x810 - 68KB - JPEG

Lesson Eight Offer and Counter-offer

Lesson Eight Offer and Counter-offer

1080x810 - 154KB - JPEG

cy and compromise: a bid-offer–counteroffer m

cy and compromise: a bid-offer–counteroffer m

738x1119 - 73KB - PNG

Unit7 Quotation,offer,counter-offer

Unit7 Quotation,offer,counter-offer

1080x810 - 223KB - JPEG

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