latter_later latter

(外部的),upper(上面的),former(从前 (口诀:冠所指不打先锋,序基数描紧跟从,的),latter(后者的),elder(年长的),大长高形随后走,龄色籍材用途中) eldest(最年长的),major(主要的;较多

为什么the latter后用的is而the former后用的are?谢谢老师未解决问题等待您来回答奇虎360旗下最大互动问答社区 The latter are my favorite. 亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心

the second of two or the second mentioned of two; Tom and Dick were both heroes but only the latter is remembered today referring to the second of two things or persons mentio

There are many differences between Earth and Mars.While the former has an atmosphere and liquid water,the latter does not. 地球和火星有很多不同.前者有大气和液态水,而后者

3.latter adj. 意思是指(两者中)后者的,后者,反义词是former,(两者中)前者。注意,不要把latter与late的比较级later混淆。如: Of the two the latter is far better than the former. 两者中后

later后来的,之后的 latter后者的,后者 (相对于前者former来说的) the former or the latter前者或者后者 latter 后者的,后者 (相对于前者former来说的) the former or the latter 前者或者

简介:latter,英式读音为['lætə(r)],美式读音为[ˈlætɚ]。基本简介latter英['lætə(r)]  美 [ˈlætɚ]adj.简明

latter man in Latter Days--Steve Sandvoss

latter man in Latter Days--Steve Sandvoss

500x524 - 67KB - JPEG

闪亮的日子(Latter Days) - 电影图片 | 电影剧照

闪亮的日子(Latter Days) - 电影图片 | 电影剧照

600x338 - 31KB - JPEG

New Arrival Designer Tshirt

New Arrival Designer Tshirt

600x600 - 124KB - JPEG

史上最花瓶女主正名 ef the latter tale将发售

史上最花瓶女主正名 ef the latter tale将发售

580x435 - 44KB - JPEG

Latter Day Saint Heroes and Heroines - Stories

Latter Day Saint Heroes and Heroines - Stories

231x346 - 19KB - JPEG

Have a cookie

Have a cookie

1324x820 - 352KB - JPEG

latter man in Latter Days--Steve Sandvoss

latter man in Latter Days--Steve Sandvoss

405x590 - 64KB - JPEG



680x659 - 93KB - JPEG

2004-05年Hyosung GT 650S

2004-05年Hyosung GT 650S

768x480 - 70KB - JPEG



678x399 - 26KB - JPEG

An Illustrated History Of Automotive Aerodynam

An Illustrated History Of Automotive Aerodynam

504x378 - 44KB - JPEG

Performance to the Max

Performance to the Max

678x254 - 21KB - JPEG

闪亮的日子(latter days) - 电影图片 | 电影剧照 |

闪亮的日子(latter days) - 电影图片 | 电影剧照 |

600x333 - 31KB - JPEG



300x300 - 42KB - JPEG



300x300 - 48KB - JPEG

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