theirs_their theirs

【预订】What Gods Would Be Theirs?

【预订】What Gods Would Be Theirs?

350x350 - 36KB - JPEG

Campus life - freshmen enjoy theirs the campus

Campus life - freshmen enjoy theirs the campus

1200x800 - 1339KB - JPEG

Campus life - freshmen enjoy theirs the campus

Campus life - freshmen enjoy theirs the campus

1200x800 - 1203KB - JPEG

allest Ferris wheel unless Dubai finishes theirs

allest Ferris wheel unless Dubai finishes theirs

962x622 - 117KB - JPEG

#FUNERAL | · Instagram网页版

#FUNERAL | · Instagram网页版

608x608 - 65KB - JPEG



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The Year of the Snake is theirs[4]|

The Year of the Snake is theirs[4]|

600x400 - 66KB - JPEG

The Year of the Snake is theirs |Holiday Specia

The Year of the Snake is theirs |Holiday Specia

450x470 - 50KB - JPEG

The Year of the Snake is theirs |Holiday Specia

The Year of the Snake is theirs |Holiday Specia

450x371 - 49KB - JPEG

【2003 】 2018 最新专辑 24bit 48hz 10CD FL

【2003 】 2018 最新专辑 24bit 48hz 10CD FL

506x505 - 587KB - PNG



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The Year of the Snake is theirs[5]|

The Year of the Snake is theirs[5]|

600x502 - 56KB - JPEG



412x329 - 98KB - PNG

The Year of the Snake is theirs[2]|

The Year of the Snake is theirs[2]|

600x438 - 57KB - JPEG

Theirs Not to Reason Why: Horsing the British A

Theirs Not to Reason Why: Horsing the British A

300x300 - 20KB - JPEG

their's是表示“他们的”比如:Their's apples are on the table.他们的苹果在桌子上。 theirs也表示“他们的”只是两者用法不同 比如:Are those apples ours or theirs?这些苹果是

I don't know whose laptop it is. Somebody must have left theirs. 我不知道这是谁的笔记本电脑,准是有人落下的。 战士单职业 去看看 2018秋冬新款水貂毛呢外套女中长款韩版显

their和theirs意思一样,都是“他(她、它)们的”之意,但是用法不同。their是形容词性物主代词,必须用来修饰名词,即their的后面必须接名词。例如:their father他(她、它)们的父亲

their和theirs的区别有什么区别呢'在造个句 their是形容词物主代词,后面可以接名词。 theirs是名词性物主代词,后面不能接名词 These are their books. These books are theirs.

Forms 8879and 8878must be available to the IRS in the same manner described above for three years from the due date of the return or the IRS received date, whichever is later.

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their 和 theirs的用法各是什么?___ bags is blue and ___is red.A.Their our B.Theirs ours C.They our如何选呢?请说出理由来吧! 下载作业帮 扫二维码下载作业帮 拍照搜题,秒出答

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