
Heavily pregnant Kendra Wilkinson looks ready

Heavily pregnant Kendra Wilkinson looks ready

634x1005 - 152KB - JPEG

Gordon Ramsay in hot water over his eel soup

Gordon Ramsay in hot water over his eel soup

636x610 - 69KB - JPEG

Britain's oldest red postbox is still in use after 1

Britain's oldest red postbox is still in use after 1

634x467 - 134KB - JPEG

Homes in the countryside cost an extra 40,000

Homes in the countryside cost an extra 40,000

634x423 - 105KB - JPEG

Welcome to the 'sex capital of China': Inside sin

Welcome to the 'sex capital of China': Inside sin

634x549 - 69KB - JPEG

The National Sleep Foundation reveals why you

The National Sleep Foundation reveals why you

634x423 - 87KB - JPEG

Michelle Rounds criticizes estranged wife Rosi

Michelle Rounds criticizes estranged wife Rosi

634x830 - 125KB - JPEG

Vivien Leigh's country retreat where her ashes

Vivien Leigh's country retreat where her ashes

964x688 - 204KB - JPEG

Conservationists reintroduce feral herd to the fe

Conservationists reintroduce feral herd to the fe

964x662 - 128KB - JPEG

Pregnant Natalie Cassidy displays huge bump

Pregnant Natalie Cassidy displays huge bump

468x920 - 61KB - JPEG

Any day now! Heavily pregnant Isla Fisher looks

Any day now! Heavily pregnant Isla Fisher looks

634x892 - 130KB - JPEG

Love Island's Katie Salmon and Lauryn Goodm

Love Island's Katie Salmon and Lauryn Goodm

634x951 - 99KB - JPEG

Sainsbury's recalls its own brand pitted green o

Sainsbury's recalls its own brand pitted green o

634x582 - 34KB - JPEG

LeAnn Rimes shows off some serious side-boo

LeAnn Rimes shows off some serious side-boo

634x464 - 61KB - JPEG

Cute prairie dogs appear to cup each other's fa

Cute prairie dogs appear to cup each other's fa

634x405 - 71KB - JPEG

UK= United Kingdom = 联合王国 = 大不列颠=英国 联合王国包括 Great Britain 英国 London 伦敦 Scotland 苏格兰 Edinburgh 爱丁堡 Wales 威尔士 Cardiff 加的夫 Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰 Belfast 贝尔法斯特


uk就是ukey,也就是U盾,如果登录网上银行,或者网上付款都需要它才能完成的,你去一行开通网上银行业务的时候,会给你一个的,U盾具体的功能如下: 1、网上银行进行转帐、缴款、购物等操作必须插入u盾,防止误操作和别人盗用 2、没有你的u盾即使有帐号和密码也不能进行操作,除非能拿到你的银行卡,但是信用卡除外,如果别人知道你的信用卡帐号和背面后3位数字的话,那你将承担很大的风险,因为网上购票等操作不需要密码的。 3、u盾已经不是最先进的网银加密手段了,因为u盾可以被复制,原理和配钥匙一样,如果在网吧,不能保证有人复制你的u盾信息。

UK [ju: 'kei] (United Kingdom)英国 祝您学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供uk的在线翻译,uk是什么意思,uk的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。 uk 英 [ˌjuː'keɪ] 美 [ˌjuː'keɪ] abbr. 英国(=United Kingdom) ne





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