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them to understand the idea of fairness. Everyone should do their part in keeping the house clean and tidy. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. 任

ideal 吗? 我觉得可以填理想化的~~ 希望能帮到你! 《精》《锐》环东

10. the idea of fairness 10. 公平的意义 练习册系列答案 年级 高中课程 年级 初中课程 科目:初中英语 来源: 题型: 2. 在路边 查看答案和解析 科目:初中英语 来源: 题型: 5. Let

3. It helps to develop children's independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness. 4. It talks about whether/if child

内容提示:Justice in the green house Climate change and the idea of fairness 文档格式:PDF| 浏览次数:6| 上传日期:2014-03-09 10:10:25| 文档星级: 该用户还上传了这些文档 关

It helps us 【to understand】 the idea offairness】. * 祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问 Everyone should _ ___ keeping the environment clean and tidy. take an active part in ta

Doing chores can help children to understand the idea of fairness 为什么填fairness 做家务可以让孩子懂得( )孩子在家常常不劳而获,而做家务也就是让他们“劳而获”,所以

As the share of succession concerned, people hold the idea of fairness and pay much attention to the feebleness. 对继承份额的分配的调查发现,大部分人持有公平观念,照顾弱者

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