request for doing

Answer Code Request: Be versatile

Answer Code Request: Be versatile

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allery 005: Being A Loudspeaker Maker For A

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eroes Of The Storm (No Clue what im doing) !s

eroes Of The Storm (No Clue what im doing) !s

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tock - Sell Your Video Clips Receive Request F

tock - Sell Your Video Clips Receive Request F

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Share this article

Share this article

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An owl as requested :3 I do love drawing cute a

An owl as requested :3 I do love drawing cute a

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eroes Of The Storm (No Clue what im doing) !s

eroes Of The Storm (No Clue what im doing) !s

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FM: Poland's democracy doing better than it se

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FM: Poland's democracy doing better than it se

FM: Poland's democracy doing better than it se

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request sb to do sth 中间必须要有一个宾语(人) request+名词 例如:He requested me to stop smoking.

宁愿某人做某事 request do st.[forgive]sb.for doing sth.汉语的"希望某人做某事",英语可说成wish

1.require 1)require sth(of sb)2)make a request for sth 为什么事情提出请求make a request to sb.

request doingrequest to do的区别 严格说来只有: request sb to do sth Zhong 间必须要有一个宾语(人

request doingrequest to do的区别,解决方案1:严格说来只有:request sb to do sth 中间必须要有一个

request doingrequest to do的区别 request doingrequest to do的区别 request doingrequest to do的

request for sth与ask for sth有什么区别 request for sth与ask for sth有什么区别equest:表示请求~要求~

对于require,可以用在require doing sth,或是require to be done,等等的短语中.request也有陈述语气中的用

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