make an appointment_hygienist

Gerry:OK,make an appointment for a meeting with her. 好,跟 她 安排 一次会面。

英语单词大全提供make an appointment是什么意思,make an appointment在线翻译,make an appointment什么

1.KB,I strongly encourage you to contact your health care professional and make an appointment for a

make an appointment with sb.与make an appointment有什么区别?make an appointment with sb.与make an

make an appointment [英][meik æn əˈpɔintmənt][美][mek ən əˈpɔɪntmənt] [法]预约;期;相约;

沪江词库精选make an appointment with是什么意思、英语单词推荐、make an appointment with的用法、make

请问 make an appointment for 后面是要跟时间还是预约的事情?比如说我想预约星期三下午两点做个car

Writing note showing Make An Appointment. B

Writing note showing Make An Appointment. B

1023x682 - 230KB - JPEG

口语170413 预约,相约 :Make an Appointment】

口语170413 预约,相约 :Make an Appointment】

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How to Make an Appointment at a Local Socia

How to Make an Appointment at a Local Socia

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Make an appointment for a checkup - AskMen

Make an appointment for a checkup - AskMen

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