my career ambition

8057200767 @ Career and ambition of a busin

8057200767 @ Career and ambition of a busin

267x400 - 14KB - JPEG

92,973 Ambition 张库存照片、矢量图和插图可

92,973 Ambition 张库存照片、矢量图和插图可

396x280 - 6KB - JPEG

Career ladder vector illustration.

Career ladder vector illustration.

650x784 - 21KB - JPEG

92,973 Ambition 张库存照片、矢量图和插图可

92,973 Ambition 张库存照片、矢量图和插图可

347x280 - 4KB - JPEG



151x160 - 7KB - JPEG



220x154 - 12KB - JPEG



160x142 - 5KB - JPEG



160x142 - 6KB - JPEG

分类:电影资料 1.成为一名优秀的教师,一年后成为优秀员工代表 3.努力挤出时间看考研书籍,把握好07年,

My ambition is to become a teacher.As a child,I had many dreams,but becoming teacher is the most

2016年8月24日-while studying,my career ambition was to find a varied and challenging job – not too

My ideal career Although I actually have my ambition in the mind,I will still need to make a total

I had the chance to improve my skills and passed a nationwide cannot satisfy my ambition

My career ambition is based on their work,through their own efforts to be promoted in the next few

我的职业理想与规划(My career ambition and plan).doc,我的职业理想与规划(Mycareerambitionandplan)

CAREER AMBITION I've already known manager.I know there are very few female partners,and that is my

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