

600x207 - 31KB - JPEG

Mwila Musefwe
500x500 - 6KB - JPEG

The Trials of the Offenders Apprehended
350x350 - 22KB - JPEG

深扒 | 詹皇密友曝湖人抢浓眉,他还是李楠
576x198 - 18KB - JPEG

Apprehending the Criminal: The Productio.
350x350 - 25KB - JPEG

Apprehending Ivory Traffickers: A
600x395 - 74KB - JPEG

Apprehending a thief or criminal
600x900 - 96KB - JPEG

571x298 - 32KB - JPEG

An officer apprehending a female
600x934 - 101KB - JPEG

apprehended in Sanya - What's On Xiamen
461x500 - 38KB - JPEG

【韦氏词根词典】Season 2 Unit 20-6 Pre
661x560 - 99KB - JPEG

That Ought Justly to Be Apprehended from
300x300 - 9KB - JPEG

Man Apprehended After Jumping White
512x341 - 36KB - JPEG

greatly discerning and apprehending dying.)
993x1404 - 70KB - PNG

Man Apprehended After Jumping White
300x336 - 21KB - JPEG


comprehend 和apprehend有什么区别
答:the river. 公园包括河对岸的所有土地。 apprehend [,æpri'hend] vt. 理解, 领会 感觉到 观察, 思考 apprehend the flame of a candle 感觉到一支蜡烛的火焰 apprehend e
comprehend 和apprehend有什么区别
答: 3)Listen to the tape time and again till you can apprehend what the text reqally means. 反复听录音,直到你能领悟这篇文章的真正含义。 4)Are you sure you entirely apprehend th
答:arrest表示的意思更明确,意思是逮捕以后拘留。apprehend只是逮捕,没有表示逮捕后干什么。apprehend还有一个意思,就是理解。I apprehend the meaning of this word. 我理解
comprehend 和apprehend有什么区别??还有一个understand几
答: 3. understand To perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of; grasp.See Synonyms at apprehend 理解;懂得:知道和了解…的性质和重要性;理解参见 apprehend To
comprehend 和apprehend有什么区别??还有一个understand几
答:perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of; grasp.See Synonyms at apprehend 理解;懂得:知道和了解…的性质和重要性;理解参见 apprehendTo know thoroughly by
答:arrest一般用于被动,be arrested表被逮捕或被拘押,而apprehend一般用主动形式,表警方逮捕嫌疑人或罪犯.当然了,两个单词还分别有其他意思,这个时候区别就不用说了吧^_^
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