

182x268 - 13KB - JPEG

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Posthumous Writings【图片 价格 品牌 报价
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Posthumous award for Luo Jing
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Posthumous game project : Lettering, logo,
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答: adj.死后的; 遗腹的,死后出生的; 作者死后出版的; [网络]遗腹子; 死后获得的; 遗腹的; [例句]His family and supporters have campaigned for many years for a posthumous pard
opus posthumous什么意思
答: 遗作集
posthumous defence 是什么意思,是不是一种心理情节
答:posthumous有“死后出版的”的意思, defence有“保护”的意思,连起来应该是“死后出版物版权保护”吧,不太清楚,仅供参考
肖邦 NO.14 Op.Posthumous 是业余几级的?
答: 十级左右,关键是速度上去的话就又十级了。
雪莱的著作 外国诗人
答:Unbound,1820) 阿多尼斯(Adonais,1821) 一盏破碎的明灯(Lines,1822 转自wiki:Major works(1810) Zastrozzi (1810) Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire (1810) Posthumous F
遗书的英文翻译,别拿posthumous papers忽悠我,不是一个意思
答: will 名词的其中一解法不就是遣嘱了?一般也有说last will 的。
It is precisely the appetite for this posthumous dimension that se
答: 正是对这种死后成名的偏好,才让一个人开始写作
答:浅笑:淡淡的 不经意的 殇情:爱情在产生之前就已经结束 所以是 smile for posthumous love 之所以没有在smile前面加什么slight,by chance, unintentional, unwitting 这类的词修
答:Andrea Dotti. From 1980 until her death, she lived with the actor Robert Wolders. She died of cancer at her home in Switzerland at the age of 63. She was posthumously awarded
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