

Meadows on which cows graze
600x400 - 36KB - JPEG

Field on which grow up cereals
600x400 - 93KB - JPEG

Field on which reaped wheat crop
600x313 - 74KB - JPEG

Plug near the plates on which food
600x500 - 47KB - JPEG

agricultural field on which grow corn
600x277 - 118KB - JPEG

Pinned card on which is confined area
600x398 - 14KB - JPEG

Pinned card on which is confined area
600x398 - 14KB - JPEG

Confused on which direction to go
600x578 - 44KB - JPEG

with a green meadow, on which a flock of s
1697x1133 - 3015KB - JPEG

The Roman bridge, on which rides a scooter
600x800 - 109KB - JPEG

An old tree on which tree rings are visible
600x400 - 81KB - JPEG

Light colored shoe on which lace is tied.
600x400 - 43KB - JPEG

Drawing on which bearings and calculator lay
600x386 - 42KB - JPEG

construction site on which to build oil refinery.
600x400 - 66KB - JPEG

Children's drawing paints on which are
600x657 - 90KB - JPEG


in which :on which:which的具体用法是啥啊?求!~~~
答:你说的这种情况应该是出现在从句中的,which是歌引导词,in、on、by、for等都是介词,具体用哪个是看句子的搭配需要的。如:She lives in the house of which the window is broke
on which,in which,where的区别。
答:WHERE就是 IN WHICH 两个一样 至于ON WHICH 其实就是介词不同啊 选哪个看词组搭配或者熟语的搭配
April lstis a day on which ,in some countries完形填空
答:on which, in some countries, people try to play tricks on others. If one succeeds in tricking someone, one laughs and says:" April Fool!", and then the person who was tr
April 1st is a day on which,??
答:on which, in some countries, people try to play tricks on others. If one succeeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says, "April Fool! 有些国家的人们,喜欢在四月一日这天
in which 和 on which 的区别
答:首先你要明白which引导的是定语从句,只是所用介词的不同。 例句 先行词是 day, 意为 I joined the soccer team on the day. 在具体的某一天 用on . 下面的例句用in which He l
which,in which,on which,for which,by which的区别
答:你确定正确答案不是A. where?? 你答案看错了吧? 如果答案真的是B,那你的原句a place后就少了个介词in which,in which,on which,for which,by which——你说的这些全部都是
on which ,in which,of which ,from which 的用法和区别。有追加
答:关系副词=介词+关系代词 why=for which where=in which when=during which whose=of which 只知道这么多,希望对你有帮助。
在定语从句中,in which,on which,by which,from which的区别
答:crops grow in guangdong ,所以用in(地点)i caught the bus ,on which i met my teacher.这里后面的意思应该是i met my teacher on the bus,所以用on(地点)i like ,by which i improve m
the train on which she was traveling was late中的on which 能不能
答:不能,on the train,表示traveling的方式;where表示的是地点。这里是介词加which的一种常用表达。
why=for which where=in/ at/ on which when=during/ on/ in/…… w
答: 1. He didn't tell me the reason why (for which) he came late this morning. 2. This is the house where (in which) we live. 3. Do you remember the day when (on which) we met Jim i
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