denote_we denote by

craft used to denote brand design icon

craft used to denote brand design icon

1024x1024 - 87KB - JPEG

Adenote 字体

Adenote 字体

700x240 - 6KB - PNG

Adenote 字体

Adenote 字体

700x240 - 9KB - PNG

Adenote 字体

Adenote 字体

700x469 - 65KB - JPEG



593x395 - 12KB - JPEG

Adenote 字体

Adenote 字体

700x240 - 9KB - PNG

Icon showing cloud with drops to denote rain

Icon showing cloud with drops to denote rain

972x1023 - 30KB - JPEG

Globe is here to denote icon for earth

Globe is here to denote icon for earth

972x1023 - 44KB - JPEG



300x300 - 13KB - JPEG



142x130 - 5KB - PNG

Target and dart is shown to denote

Target and dart is shown to denote

972x1023 - 89KB - JPEG

Hands cressing feet to denote foot

Hands cressing feet to denote foot

972x1023 - 41KB - JPEG

Icon showing cloud with drops to denote rain

Icon showing cloud with drops to denote rain

972x1023 - 39KB - JPEG

in ribbons package, icon to denote gift

in ribbons package, icon to denote gift

972x1023 - 71KB - JPEG

Sketching utensils in an icon to denote

Sketching utensils in an icon to denote

1024x1024 - 109KB - JPEG

To others , dreams denote night-time learning or problem-solving , even automatic sifting of the mind 's detritus , the skimming off of useless information to be dumped like so muc



1. 指示:符号要么在字面上要么通过关联(association)指示(denote)对象.在执行期间将获得符号的绑定,而数值、逻辑值、字符、字符串和向量求值为自身. Scheme提供一些简单

输入中文如 词典 或英文单词如 denote 后点查询即可 denote denote的意思 denote是什么意思 denote什么意思 denote的翻译 denote的解释 denote的意思是指示,表示,意味着 d

英语单词大全提供denote by是什么意思,denote by在线翻译,denote by什么意思,denote by的意思,denote by的翻译,denote by的解释,denote by的发音,denote by的同义词,denote

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