

catch up on
500x750 - 38KB - JPEG

英语的catch on 是什么意思
600x270 - 70KB - PNG

Catch up on this week's content
550x287 - 44KB - JPEG

Old catch lock
682x1023 - 399KB - JPEG

Time to catch up on the ball field
180x533 - 30KB - JPEG

准时赶上Catch It On Time 破解版下载
310x550 - 53KB - PNG

Catch up on this week's content
500x252 - 107KB - JPEG

Control & Connect
708x532 - 34KB - JPEG

First Catch Promotion, Buy Promotional
192x220 - 14KB - JPEG

cartoon fisherman with rod and fish catch
1023x571 - 128KB - JPEG

Catch up on this week's content
1500x784 - 173KB - JPEG

Finger Catch Promotion, Buy Promotional
157x220 - 9KB - JPEG

Catch up后面加with、to、on,有什么区别?
640x400 - 21KB - JPEG

Catch ya on the flip-side - CNET
370x198 - 215KB - BMP

Catch all episodes on TLC
181x213 - 17KB - JPEG


简介:理解;投合心意网络词典 vivi 流行起来;受欢迎. 例句: The idea has been around for ages without catching

catch on的区别
答:Catch on词组意义:变流行句On省略
Catch on with什么意思?
答: 受的欢迎
catch on什么意思?
答:catch on v. 抓牢, 理解, 流行
catch on fire
答:笔记本起火 戴尔再陷电池门 Dell Laptops Catch on Fire: Batteries Stuck in Gate Again 着火的意思
英语的catch on 是什么意思
答:我没十分听明白。You'll catch on to the job after you've been here a while.过一段时间你就会熟悉这种工作了。3. 变得入时,流行起来;迎合人心:This song caught on an
再请问catch表示理解时与catch on 表示的理解明白有什么区别
答:catch我们在口语中常说:catch it ? 懂了没 ? 而catch on则是较正式的书面用语!
Figure out /catch on /get across 都是理解的意思,有什么用法词
答:是自己想出来的某个问题,某个想法。例如: After several days, I still can't figure it out.【经过几天了,我还是想不出来】 catch on, 是针对对方的问题,或者某个提示,理解了对方说
catch up on和 catch up with 的区别
答:catch up with 有赶得上,逮捕,处罚的意思 catch up on有弥补,得到。。。的消息的意思
急!跪求catch up on的用法!
答:catch up on sth: 补上某事;补上某事He'll catch up on lost time by working harder.他将更加努力地工作以弥补失掉的时间。Drew needed to catch up on his homework.得禄需要加把
catch a fire和on fire的区别
答:be on fire表示一种状态 eg: Look! The house is on fire. 而catch a fire强调动作性 eg: The boy is so careless that he catches a fire on his clothes while cooking meals. 希望你满意
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