detailed_detailed plan


Detailed graphic classic bolt
1024x1024 - 160KB - JPEG

Detailed Icon
450x470 - 52KB - JPEG

658x494 - 106KB - PNG

540x720 - 140KB - JPEG

Detailed Objective - 暴走布布采集到UI-icon
580x435 - 251KB - PNG

Detailed Icons
658x494 - 40KB - PNG

Detailed light
658x386 - 66KB - JPEG

5616x3744 - 1171KB - JPEG

Detailed description - usa (China
714x359 - 62KB - JPEG

Detailed cerificate
700x536 - 149KB - JPEG

658x411 - 29KB - JPEG

Detailed View@秋山绿水采集到家居(45图)
658x592 - 165KB - JPEG

Detailed White Corporate Templates Stock
400x400 - 30KB - JPEG

540x720 - 143KB - JPEG

ChemPhysLetter2002 semiempirical diagram
65535x65535 - 7KB - PNG


简介:细致的. 例句: Yesterday's letter contains a detailed account of the decisions.(昨天的那封信里有对这些

Detailed Buying Lead Description是什么意思
答:详细导购介绍 但本来这个短语就有些中式英语(Chinglish) Pre-purchase Detailed Briefing 较好
?more detailed or more detail
答:比。。。更加详细 此处DETAILED做形容词用 more details: 更多细节 此处DETAILS做名词用
detailed explanation是什么意思
答:详细的解释 双语对照 例句: 1. The company didn't provide a detailed explanation. 苹果没有对此作出具体解释。 2. 'This is actually going forward quite quickly,' he said, after giv
give a detailed introduction to是什么意思
答:give a detailed introduction to 是 做出详细的介绍, taketo stage 是 采取的阶段
specific和 detailed有什么区别?
答:adj. 1. 明确的, 确切的, 详尽的 2. 具体的, 特有的, 特定的 3. 仅限于…的; 只发现于…的 detailed---------adj. 1. 详细的;精细的 2. 复杂的 3. 详细的,细致的,精细的
Analysis certificate or very detailed specs Cipu certificate 出口埃
答:1.Quote the best FOB China basis US Dollar prices 报FOB中国港口最便宜的美元价格 2.Packing details 装箱清单 3.Container Quantity 集装箱数量 4.Detailed Technical Sp
"Enclosed please find the detailed schedule."语法对吗?
答:对,加个逗号就更对了。 Enclosed, please find the detailed schedule.
信用证要求Detailed Packing List,装箱单必须标明相应字样?
答:其实收货方为了清点货物方便,需要一份更详细的装箱单,为了不必要的麻烦,我个人认为还是按LC要求出一份抬头了Detailed Packing List!
precluded detailed analysis的汉语是什么意思
答:精密排除分析法 detailed electrophysiological: 精密电生理(学)(的) 你可以把文章发上来看一下,应该不难,但需要结合你的文章翻译
You can get detailed information and requirements about the co
答:因为requirements前面已经有了限定词 detailed , 所以就不能再加the了. detailed 是限定 information and requirements 的.
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