
北京、上海、杭州、成都、青岛......百事公司新任董事长兼首席执行官龙嘉德先生(Ramon Laguarta)这个春天首次来到中国,马不停蹄走访了许多超市,并接受了经济日报记者的专访。




Q: What’s the purpose of your China visit? Is it your first visit to this country as the Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo? What’s your impression of China?


It’s my first visit to China as PepsiCo's Chairman and CEO. I’ve visited Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu and Qingdao, and was deeply impressed by the vibrancy and the vitality of the China market and the Chinese people.


It’s a deep dive learning trip for me. I am very excited to be here with various key stakeholders, to hear their insights on how PepsiCo can grow and make ourselves faster, stronger and better moving forward.


It’s just amazing to see so clearly that China has served as the world’s growth engine for the past few decades. Emerging markets like China are engines of growth for PepsiCo, too.


My big realization out of my travels is that China is a countrywith a diverse consumer base, cuisine & culture. Companies that want to be successful in the long term must tap into that diversity and keep adjusting the business operation based on the changing demands of the Chinese consumers.


The size of the Chinese market, the rising Chinese urbanites, the ever-affluent Chinese middle class, the dynamic e-commerce eco-system, China’s consumption upgrading, the new retail economy, and the many untapped inland cities and rural marketspresent great opportunities for companies, including PepsiCo.


Q: We noted that PepsiCo had a successful year in 2018. How about PepsiCo’s performance in China in 2018?



Overall, 2018 was a very successful year for PepsiCo. We met or exceeded each of the financial targets we outlined at the beginning of the year.


We have a very well-balancedgeographic footprint, with the stronghold positions in our largest markets and very competitive positions in many other rapidly growing markets, such as China.

百事公司是最早进入中国市场的跨国企业之一,已持续投资中国近四十载。在过去的12年里, 我们携手业务伙伴在华投资已超过480亿元人民币。我们在中国建立了成功的食品及饮料业务,同时还积极投资于中国的发展进程。

PepsiCo was one of the first multinationalcompanies to enter China. and has been continuously investing for almost 4 decades. Together with our business partners, we have invested over RMB 48 billion over the last 12 years. PepsiCo has built a highly successful food and beverage business while also investing in China’s growth and development.


Emerging markets like China are engines of growth for PepsiCo. By innovating for the China market, actively managing the business and expanding it, PepsiCo GCR has achieved remarkable results in the past few years.


We are proud of our 2018 performances in the Greater China Region, which saw share gains in the savory snacks category and improved beverage performance.



Q: What major threats and opportunities do you foresee for PepsiCo in China, and how would you plan to handle them? Could you please tell us PepsiCo’s strategy and plan in China going forward?


China is and will continue to be one of the growth engines for PepsiCo and we are committed to this beautiful and fast-growing country.


The intensity and speed at which China’s consumer landscape is evolving are affecting the world. The rising middle-class, the sustained income growth, the world-leading innovation of e-commerce & digital commerce, as well as the increased sophistication of consumers continues to underpin consumer spending in China.


As the world’s biggest consumer market, China is now home to 788 million smartphone users and now social media, mPayments and e-Commerce are ubiquitous parts of the shopper’sjourney. Research shows that Chinese consumers are first movers at the forefront of new innovations. I am deeply impressed by what I’ve seen and experienced in China.


The Chinese government is working on promoting consumption and upgrading and developing new forms and models of consumption in response to the new changes in consumer demand.



I believe the consumption upgrading in China will present significant opportunities and become an increasingly important driver of growth for all MNCs in China, including PepsiCo.


These all present great challenges and opportunities for PepsiCo. As we look ahead to the future, it’s important to bear in mind that we are operating in an incredibly competitive environment, where the pace of change is accelerating.


And we are positioned well, as we strive to take PepsiCo from Good to Great, unleashing our company’s full potential by pivoting toward accelerated growth and embracing a new vision for PepsiCo’s success: to be the global leader in convenient foods and beverages by Winning with Purpose.


During my trip, we announced that PepsiCo plans to invest RMB 50 million across nutrition, water, sustainable agriculture and women’s initiatives in China through 2025.


Q: What are your product transformation strategies globally and in China? Can you share with us some progress?


China is one of the growth engines for PepsiCo and has significant growth potential.

We are taking a long-term view, making investments that respond to changing societal needs, and truly seeing ourselves as China’s development partner.


Upholding our “In China, For China, With China” commitment, we can together deliver solid business results by working with our partners and every one of our Greater China associates.


Across snacks and beverages, we’ll invest to capture a greater share of consumption occasions, from indulgent to functional, social to individual, value to premium, and across dayparts from morning to night.


We plan to do this by continuing to grow our portfolio, which includes22 brands that generate more than $ 1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales, and building and/or acquiring new brands to cover new demand spaces.


In terms of the food and beverage industry and our business in China, I think that Chinese consumers in major cities are becoming more sophisticated and discerning about their food choices and are driving new demand for healthier food options.


We are expanding our snacks and nutrition portfolios. We know well that China needs more and more nutritious products given the ever-increasing aging population and more health-conscious younger demographics.


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