
Female prison officer, 27, kissing her dangerous armed robber boyfriend she swapped lewd videos and livestreamed sex acts with as she is jailed for 12 months

来源:每日邮报 翻译:世界播

A female prison officer has been jailed after she had a passionate affair with a dangerous inmate, sending him explicit videos and taking pictures of them kissing in his cell.



Ayshea Gunn, 27, exchanged more than 1,200 phone calls, including explicit video calls, with Khuram Razaq, 29, in less than five months while working at Berwyn prison in Wrexham.


She smuggled the prisoner a pair of her knickers in her bra and the pair also sent messages to each other about 'cell searching tactics', a court heard.


Pictures from the psychology and criminology graduate's phone show her hugging and kissing the convicted armed robber, who is serving a 12-year sentence, in his cell.


Prosecuting at Mold Crown Court, Simon Mills told the hearing Gunn sent her bank details to an associate of her prisoner lover and £1,500 was subsequently put in her account.


Gunn, of Pant Glas, Wrexham, previously admitted misconduct in public office between July and November last year, and was sentenced to 12 months today.



She and Razaq exchanged 1,213 calls between late August 2018 and the November.


Berwyn is a new build jail in which each two-man cell - referred to as rooms - has a laptop as well as a phone, shower and toilet.


But the pair were also using mobile phones to send each other explicit sexual videos and stream live footage of themselves.


She began working there shortly before the prison opened in February 2017 and had training including in security awareness and corruption prevention.


There was 'conditioning' training to make officers aware of the risk of prisoners trying to compliment and later exploit them, as well as warning posters.


But Mr Mills said the pair 'weren't being particularly subtle' about their inappropriate relationship - colleagues of Gunn's noticed the time she spent with Razaq, including long periods inside his cell.


After numerous reports an internal investigation was launched and and his in-cell phone examined.


Razaq had added a 'Keeley Mason' to his contacts list and made regular calls to her from September 2018. The calls were intercepted and Gunn's voice recognised.


Peter Hunter, defending, said: 'She knows what she did was wrong.'


Gunn had been in a four-year relationship when she joined the Prison Service. Her boyfriend also joined the service but he cheated on her with another warder and Gunn became depressed.


There was no financial gain by Gunn, the lawyer maintained. 'Some 17 months ago she was in a period where she was at the bottom in her world. Someone showed her affection and stupidly she accepted it. She is remorseful and ashamed.'


In 2008 Razaq was jailed for ten years at Birmingham crown court for armed robbery and in 2015 got twelve years for conspiracy to rob. Mr Hunter said March 2021 was Razaq's earliest date of release.



Judge Parry told the defendant: 'You are clearly a dangerous man. Before the age of 30 you have received two sentences in double figures.'


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