福楼法餐的中国青年开蚝师Alex Tang荣获“开壳”世界杯特别大奖

“第五届甲壳类海鲜开壳世界杯”近日在法国尼斯落下帷幕,作为离举办地距离最远的参赛城市、唯一不会说法语同时也是首位参赛的中国选手,来自福楼法餐的开蚝师唐丽波(Alex Tang),以竹叶、扇子、春节挂饰等纯正、动情的中国文化元素,结合农历春节这一具有浓厚民族情感意义的节日氛围,以高水准的呈现,获得了特别奖的荣誉,以这样极富中国力量的形式,为福楼送上了一份来自远方的祝福。


唐丽波的获奖作品 Alex Tang's Presentation

During the recent Agecotel trade fair held in Nice, Maison FLO ecailler Alex Tang took home the prize for excellence at the fifth Coupe du Monde des Écaillers (World Cup of Oyster Experts). In France, “Écaillers” are experts in oysters, specifically, shucking and serving them. Although not a profession you usually come across outside of France, is a highly regarded specialisation that suits such a luxurious and difficult to master ingredient.

As the first-ever Chinese ecailler to take part in the Coupe du Monde des Écaillers (not to mention, the only competitor who couldn’t speak any French), Alex decided to show off his Chinese heritage by using bamboo, fans, and traditional Chinese New Year decorations to create his presentation, impressing the judges.



During the competition, the 18 participants were given three hours to shuck and prepare a variety of different shellfish and present them on a traditional three-tiered platter.


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Alex 在比赛现场 Alex Tang at competiton

比赛创始人、世界开蚝冠军、开蚝吉尼斯世界纪录保持者Marcel LESOILLE先生,对来自这位福楼的中国选手唐丽波给予极高的评价,“尤其惊喜”,他激动地说,“从2014年我第一次到中国,Alex每年都会跟着我学习,对他今天的表现,我感到很欣慰”。

来自福楼法餐的开蚝师唐丽波(Alex Tang)就是他的学生。唐丽波在福楼工作多年,一次他在听过LESOILLE先生的讲座之后就对开生蚝产生了莫大的兴趣。福楼一直都将员工当做家人一般关心他们的成长。他谨记LESOILLE先生的指导,多年如一日的刻苦练习,逐渐熟悉了各种不同品种生蚝的细微区别,在远离法国的这片东方大陆上,练就了熟练的技术,直至取得了这场赛事特别奖的好成绩。而当他回到餐厅,Alex为福楼细心挑选纯正的高品质法式生蚝以及各式海鲜,成为了来福楼就餐的客人必点菜品。

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Alex在比赛现场 Alex at competition

Founder of the competition and Guinness World Record holder for oyster shucking Mr. Marcel LESOILLE was particularly impressed with Alex’s performance, commenting: “Alex has been working with me every year since I first visited China in 2014, so I am especially proud to see what he produced today.”

Mr. Lesoille considers Alex to be one of his students and it was through learning and working with Mr. Lesoille that Alex developed an interest in oysters. Under Mr. Lesoille’s guidance, Alex learned how to distinguish between different types of oysters and shuck them with skill and precision, all of which led to his strong performance in this competition. Since returning to Maison FLO, Alex has been putting his knowledge to good use, and oysters are now one of the most popular items on the menu.



Seeing Alex’s success has made Mr. Lesoille even more confident in the growth of the oyster market in China and he has high expectations for the performance of oyster shuckers from China in future competitions. “In the beginning, the Chinese market was a little resistant to the idea of raw oysters, but it is very different now. I am happy to say that more and more people are putting aside their fears or preconceived notions and enjoying oysters."


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也正是中国餐饮行业不断进取开拓的韧劲,打动了 LESOILLE先生。他每年都会来到北京的福楼法餐,授课讲学、举办品尝活动,在未来,他将继续拓展中国的生蚝市场,并举办开生蚝比赛,吸引更多人参与其中。

Mr. LESOILLE has always been impressed with the tenacity and drive of the Chinese restaurant industry. Every year, he visits Maison FLO to teach workshops and hold tasting events and he hopes to help the oyster market in China continue to grow and create oyster shucking competitions that will attract ever-bigger audiences.


Maison FLO is offering a great deal on oysters for celebrating the award. Fine de Claire oysters are currently buy-one-get-one-free, available for dine in or delivery (minimum order of six for delivery). High protein, low fat oysters can help to enhance immunity and replenish physical strength, essential at a time like this.

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