四月第3周新词(Weekly Newbee Words)


1fearware: 恐惧病毒攻击
3bracelet of silence:隔音手环
4FONC/fear of not chilling:不在家不心安
5serial returner:连环退货者

fearware: 恐惧病毒攻击

a type of cyber attack that exploits an existing sense of fear among people and encourages them to click on a link that will harm their computer

一种网络攻击,扩大在民众中存在的恐惧感 ,同时诱导人们点击一个有害的链接。


Cyber criminals are exploiting fears surrounding the Covid-19 coronavirus pandem例ic to spread dangerous malware and hack government computer systems. Security experts have labelled the new trend “fearware”, warning that victims may be more susceptible to be tricked or scammed during times of global uncertainty.


a type of very small robot that can move independently, created from living cells



This week scientists announced that they had created the first living robots by building machines using stem cells taken from African frogs. So far they cannot do anything useful, such as delivering Amazon packages, but they do glory in a new name: “xenobots”.

bracelet of silence:隔音手环

a device worn around the wrist that prevents smart devices from listening to the conversations of the person wearing it



How worried are you about technology listening to your conversations? Have you ever had an experience that made you think your phone, computer or smart home device was eavesdropping on you? This “bracelet of silence,” developed by two computer science professors and an assistant professor, emits ultrasonic signals when activated, preventing nearby microphones from listening to the wearer’s conversations.


abbreviation for “fear of not chilling”: a worried feeling that you may miss the opportunity to stay at home and relax, because you are too busy and are going out a lot

是fear of not chilling的缩写,即由于过于繁忙以及出差频繁,没时间呆在家里休息而感到不安。


You know you have FONC when your busy schedule causes mild panic about when you’ll have time to treat yourself to some necessary R&R. “It’s kind of the opposite of saying yes to everything,” says Kott … “It’s like, I’d rather be home chilling or chilling with friends. If there’s a really busy week, or a really busy few days of the week in a work sense, then I try to allow space for relaxation,” she says.

serial returner:连环退货者

someone who buys a lot of clothes online and returns all or most of them, usually because the company allows them to do this for free



I have always been a serial returner. I order clothes, try them on and send them back. I am not alone. Now stores, which have attracted consumers with generous pledges of free delivery and returns, have begun to tighten their policies.


someone who is invited to attend a fashion show and sit in the front row, usually because they work in fashion or are a famous singer, actor, etc.



At the recent month of fashion shows, front-rowers – known as “the crows” for their attachment to wearing black – were instead clad head to toe in shades of chocolate, caramel and mahogany.


(of a single piece of clothing) featuring different patterns, such as spots and stripes



Fashion is having an ambivalent moment and, with shoppers apparently unwilling or unable to choose between two distinct designs, the trend for “pre-clashed clothes” is growing. At high street retailer Zara, there are dresses with ditsy prints alongside big swirling florals, as well as wrap dresses in contrasting colour blocks, usually with a vertical split.


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